Spies of Saruman

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     Valadhiel woke at sunrise the next morning. She hopped out of bed, feeling very much ready for the adventure she was about to go on. She made the bed and got dressed into her regular tunic and leggings (her preferred outfit for any occasion, as she wasn't fond of fancy dresses) before she equipped herself with all of her weapons.

     'Do I have everything?' She mentally asked herself. 'Let's see... I have my sword, my twin swords, my dagger, my four knives, my quiver, and my bow. I doubt I'll be bringing any other outfit: nowhere to wash one anyways. Well, if we stopped near a creek, but even then who's to say we'll be able too? Ah!'

     She walked over to a chair by her desk and grabbed her cloak. She also grabbed a satchel to keep her cloak in when she wasn't wearing it and to keep food rations in.

     'You never know when you may encounter cold weather.'

     She patted herself down; double checking to make sure she had everything. Yes, she indeed did: exactly where she always kept them, too. She remembered long ago when she lived in a cave in Rhovanion: the night Gandalf came by and asked her to go to an inhabited place. She had put her weapons in the exact same places.

     Valadhiel walked over to the door and opened it, almost bumping into an elf who was just about to knock. Valadhiel smiled as she recognized the elf. It was Lindir!

     Lindir smiled and bowed. "I was just about to wake you, my lady."

     "Is the Fellowship ready to leave?" Valadhiel asked, a worried expression suddenly crossing her face. "I'm not late, am I?"

     "No, my lady, you are not late."

     Valadhiel let out a relieved sigh and opened her mouth to speak when Lindir spoke again.

     "Everyone else is simply early." Lindir smirked.

     "So I am late then!" Valadhiel exclaimed, seemingly feeling bad that she kept the others waiting. "I've not kept them too long, have I?"

     Lindir shook his head. "They have only been waiting for five minutes. Some were beginning to get impatient, but Bilbo said that, knowing you, you were getting ready just then."

     Valadhiel smiled. "Bilbo knows me quite well."

     Lindir held his arm out. "May I escort you, my lady?"

     Valadhiel took his arm. "You may."

     As the two walked down the hall memories began to flood her mind. Memories of the last time Lindir had escorted her through these halls. It was the one time she had dressed very elegantly and stunned everyone- apparently. It was one of the most awkward moments of her life.

     Lindir led her to the fellowship before releasing her arm. He bowed to her again and said, "Farewell, my lady."

     Valadhiel bowed back. "Until our next meeting, mellon nin."

     As Lindir walked away Valadhiel turned to face the others.

     "I apologize for being late." She said, looking at Gandalf. "I had meant to get ready at least half and hour before we were to leave."

     Gandalf smiled. "No worries, dear dragoness. You didn't keep us waiting long: just as Bilbo had said."

     Everyone turned their attention to Elrond, who had just walked up to them.

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