The High Pass

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(Picture above is Valadhiel in her Bald Eagle form as she's flying from Beorn's to Rivendell)

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(Picture above is Valadhiel in her Bald Eagle form as she's flying from Beorn's to Rivendell)


     Valadhiel gave her uncle a hug. "Goodbye Uncle Beorn." She said.

     "Goodbye, Vala." He replied, hugging her back while on his knees (she she was far shorter than he, or any of the others).

     She released Beorn and hugged Bearn. "Goodbye Aunt Bearn."

     Bearn (who was also on her knees) hugged Vala. "You keep safe. Will you come back after the journey?"

     Valadhiel released her aunt from the hug and she stood up.

     "Yes, I'll be back." Valadhiel answered. "I just do not know when."

     "Dog pile!" Beowulf called out.

     Suddenly she was tackled by her seven cousins, who were all in wolf form. She quickly shifted into her own wolf form to avoid crushing her wings beneath her her.

     "Oh..." Vala groaned. "You guys are suffocating me!"

     The cousins picked themselves up off of her and smiled, their wolf fangs visible. Valadhiel got to her feet and gently bumped heads with Beowulf; their way of hugging in wolf form. The other six came up and did the same.

     "Are you ready to leave, Vala?" Gandalf asked.

     "More than ready." Valadhiel replied, shifting into a bald eagle. "If you don't mind, I'm going to fly for awhile. It's been a few days since I've flown." And without waiting for a reply (as usual) she took to the sky.

     Gandalf chuckled and began making his way to the High Pass at the Misty Mountains. He was glad that, even though she had lost her father and three Dwarves, she was still the same Vala he'd always known.


     'I'm at the High Pass now.' Vala thought to Gandalf. 'Where are you?'

     'I'm almost there.' Gandalf's voice sounded in her head.

     Valadhiel flew down to the ground by the High Pass and shifted back into her Elf self. She sat down and waited for Gandalf. She turned and looked up the High Pass, remembering when she and the Dwarves were almost killed by Stone Giants.

     "Many memories here." Gandalf's voice came from behind her.

     "Yes, very many." Vala answered, standing up and looking at Gandalf. "Including an argument Thorin and I had gotten into."

     "Ah, yes. The same argument Bilbo told me about?"

     "He told you about that?"

     Gandalf chuckled. "Not only did he tell me about the argument, Dear Dragoness, but he included the argument in a book he's been working on."

     "He's working on a book about what all happened? Well, I'm glad. Everyone should know the story of Thorin Oakenshield."

     "Indeed." Gandalf began walking along the path of the High Pass. "Let's get moving, now. I want to be in Rivendell by the time Frodo finally awakens."

     Valadhiel turned around and followed Gandalf through the High Pass, memories of her, Bilbo and the Dwarves' adventure flooding through her mind.


     "I am such an idiot." Valadhiel suddenly blurted out.

     "Why do you say that?" Gandalf asked.

     "Because I just realized I could just turn into a Dragon and fly you to Rivendell. We'd get there today!" She looked at Gandalf. "Surely you had thought of it."

     "I had."

     "Then why didn't you say anything?"

     "I enjoy long walks. But you may fly me there if you wish."

     "I do." Valadhiel said, shifting into a Dragon and lowering her neck so Gandalf could climb up onto her scaly back.

     Once Gandalf was safely seated in between her two spines she flapped her wings and flew towards Rivendell. 


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