Chapter Thirteen

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Isabella Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 13


I was eager to get home and back to reality and maybe avoid the sun for awhile. It was early Friday morning, both my mom and I were ready to get home and away from the beach.
As we approached our house I noticed a familiar car parked in the drive way. My heart pounded in my chest with excitement. The car wasn't even in park before I got out. Ethan rushed out of his car meeting me with a grin. I jumped in his arms, tightly hugging him. Ethan buried his face in the crook of my neck, I felt at peace in this very moment, with his arms wrapped around me holding me securely. I didn't even noticed my mom had already gone inside leaving us alone in the driveway. "I've missed you, how was the beach?" Ethan asked I smiled at him "I missed you too and it was pleasant" I said hesitantly. I could tell Ethan was itching to ask about Wes but he kept quiet as I removed myself from him and grabbed my bags heading inside.
As we sat on my bed catching up on our time apart Ethan excitedly mentioned his dad left him the keys to their lake house and wanted us to go together. "First I go to a beach house now you want me to go to a lake house." I laughed at the situation "And I'd have to ask my mom" I said remembering it would be wise to ask permission. "Well go ask, I'll pack your bag" Ethan pushed me to the door "What makes you so sure she'll say yes" I laughed at his enthusiasm before walking out of my room.
I poked my head into my mothers room to see if she was in there, when I saw the room was empty I headed down stairs. I caught my mom in the kitchen getting off the phone "Hey mom can I ask you something?" I asked she turned around setting her phone down on the table looking at me. "What is it sweetie?" She smiled at me "Um okay well Ethan's parents are lending him their lake house for the weekend and he invited me" I paused looking at her waiting for a reaction. When she didn't give me one I continued "So can I go?" I asked patiently waiting for an answer "Sure sweetie". I was taken aback by her answer, I almost questioned it but decided against it. "Okay great, thanks I'll text you lots" I said hugging her before heading upstairs.
As soon as I walked in my room Ethan shoved a bag in my face "Ready?" he asked smiling brightly. "How'd you even know I could go?" I raised an eyebrow "I was listening" he shrugged nonchalantly "So you were ease dropping? Creep" I mumbled the last part. "I heard that" Ethan said pointing at me. I laughed as I walked over to my closet "What are you doing?" Ethan asked "I want to change" I said grabbing a grey tee shirt dress and a bralette. "Go leave. I need to change" I said motioning with my hands to leave "Come on Isabella I've practically seen you naked" he said laying back on my bed. I blushed at his statement before heading to the bathroom and changing.
I came back after changing and putting on a small amount of make up to find Ethan snooping around my room. "Oh my god what are you doing?!" I gasped when I saw he was holding my journal from freshman year.
Freshman year I decided it was a good idea to keep a journal, something to vent to. A secret place where I could put all my thoughts.
"Today Bethany shoved me into Caleb Harrison. I was mortified until he complimented my eyes. I basically melted in his arms. If I the bell hadn't rung I might have-" I ripped the notebook from his hands "You had a crush on Caleb Harrison?" Ethan asked my cheeks turned red "Shut up you slept with half the female population" I said it was a low blow but I was so embarrassed.
It was silent for a minute until Ethan laughed pulling me into a hug kissing the top of my head. "It's okay babygirl. I'm not mad, I mean I win" he said squeezing my butt. I squealed Ethan hurried out the door "Come on babe can't hang here forever" he said laughing I grabbed my phone and my bag before following him outside.

Lake house more like lake mansion! It was huge maybe three stories high made out of  cobblestones, large glass windows lined the walls. We pulled up in front of the house, Ethan parked the car running around to get our bags. I emerged from the car gapping at how beautiful the house was. I noticed Ethan scratch the back of his neck, he seemed to be embarrassed by my fascination with his lake house. I quickly shut my mouth and smiled at him "It's a beautiful" I said as Ethan lead me inside.
The inside was just as or even more beautiful than the outside. Walking in you were met with the large living room with shinny hard wood floors that then turned to carpet. There was a staircase to the right leading you upstairs and behind that a large kitchen. "Come on I'll show you our room" Ethan walked upstairs and I followed hot on his heels.
He lead me down the hall way and then into the second door on the left. It was a large bed room custom with a fire place king size bed and master bathroom. Also on the far wall of windows was a balcony facing the backyard and the lake. I plopped myself into the soft looking bed "Wow this is beautiful" I said dreamily. Ethan laughed coming over to sit on the bed with me. He pulled me into his chest my head rested on his shoulder.
We were silent for a while just enjoying each other's company. "You know I really missed you this week" Ethan said picking up my chin to have me look at him. "I really missed you too" I said moving so I sitting up slightly. Ethan slowly leaned in his lips softly pressed to mine, at first the kiss was soft and gentle but soon Ethan pushed me down on the bed our kiss turning passionate. His hands traveled down my body squeezing my hips. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body causing me to buck my hips. Ethan moaned into the kiss before pulling away and trailing hot open mouth kisses on my neck. It was my turn to moan in the amount of pleasure I was getting but I wanted more.
Ethan's hand slipped under my dress when all of a sudden we heard a door slam. "Ethan?! We're here" I recognized the voice to be Curtis'. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Ethan pulled away abruptly. I could see the bulge in his jeans causing me to blush. "What's Curtis doing here?" I asked "I invited him and Bethany to come along too. In case you weren't comfortable with it just being us" Ethan said rubbing his face. "I wish you would have told me" I said under my breath before heading out of the bedroom. I walked down stairs to see Bethany and Curtis in the front entrance.
"Oh my god Is! I missed you so much" Bethany practically strangled me in a hug. I laughed softly at her "I missed you too" I said pulling away from her death grip. "Wow you look so much more tan! Ugh I can't wait to get in my bikini and sun bath" Bethany was rambling on about what new bathing suits she bought until Curtis decided it was time to show her their room.
Ethan came down stairs when I was in the kitchen looking for food. "Ah shit, did Andrew forget to pick up groceries?" Ethan said when he noticed the lack of food. "I don't know who Andrew is but yeah apparently" I said closing the refrigerator door. "I'll go out and get some" Ethan said "I can go" I said quickly as Bethany and Curtis walked in "And Beth can come with me" I said grabbing her hand "You sure?" Ethan asked "Yeah we need some girl time anyway" I smiled Ethan handed me his keys and credit card before kissing me on the cheek goodbye.

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