Chapter Eighteen

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Isabella Chapter 18

Sitting at the dinner table with the Queens was incredible awkward, considering the fact that no one was talking. It had been a couple days since my mothers accident and Ethan didn't feel save leaving me at home alone even though I ensured him I would be fine.
But all in all I was now staying at his house for now just until my moms better. I've been getting some girls to cover my shifts so I can visit her even though it does nothing seeing as she's not awake.
As I sat across from Lily pushing around my chicken while everyone stayed silent I counted down the seconds until it stopped. "So Isabella, have you gone to see your mother recently" Lily asked I looked up at her smiling softly "Yes ma'am, I'd like to say she's doing well but there isn't much of an improvement" I stated honestly. Lily, being the nurturing mother she is, gave me a sympathetic look. "Well I'll keep her in my prayers" she said smiling I nodded saying a quiet thank you. "Well so I know you stayed at the lake house" she said changing the subject "Grayson and I were thinking of going up there this weekend, I'd like to renovate the kitchen what do you think?" She asked I thought about what the kitchen looked like seeing as I didn't spend much time in there. "The kitchens really pretty I don't see why you'd want to redo it" I said smiling. Lily gave me a tight lip smile "Well we still might go up there. It's beautiful" she said placing her hand on her husbands. They looked at each other lovingly. My heart melted at the sight "It is beautiful up there" I agreed with her. "Yes it's quite nice. Especially for camping" Grayson said finally contributing to the conversation. "Isabella do you go camping?" He asked I looked at him "No sir. My parents have always been skeptical about the woods, it's not safe" the statement, though seeming normal to me, completely threw them off guard. As if they'd never heard such a thing. Grayson then composed himself "Not safe? Well I guess there's that seeing as there are animals out there" he said his tone changed at the mention of animals. He opened his mouth to speak but Ethan shot up from the table cutting him off. "Mom dad I promised Isabella I'd take her to the hospital tonight" Ethan quickly grabbed my hand pulling me up from my seat and led me to the front door.
It wasn't until we were outside when I spoke, "What are you doing?" I asked stoping in my tracks. "You know Patrick's at the hospital tonight" Patrick and I had an agreement, every other night he would visit my mom and I wouldn't have to see him.
I hated him, this was just icing on top of the hate cake for him. "I know it's just do you really want to spend the evening with my parents?" Ethan asked implying the answer be no. I had nothing against his parents they were nice enough but I felt they didn't like me much. "I guess you're right, just take me to the club" I said I could work an early shift and be home at a decent hour. Ethan didn't say anything he just walked to his car and I followed.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss coming to work. Besides a few minor issues I actually enjoyed what I did. And it didn't hurt that it paid well. Tonight I was working the floor, serving drinks and whatnot. I was currently bending over to hand a man in, what looked to be an expensive suit, to give him a drink. Slowly rising up to a standing position the man pulled the band of the leather mini shorts I wore shoving a fifty in there. He smirked at me and I winked back at him before walking away.
I was behind the bar when Sasha sauntered over to me "I think you have a visitor" she said pointing her manicured nail over to the back corner. I bit back a smile rolling my eyes. I walked to the back corner swaying my hips while we locked eyes. Ethan sat in a black leather chair his legs apart, enough room for me to straddle one of his legs. Slowly I lowered myself onto his leg leaning forward. He couldn't take his eyes off of me, "You know you don't have to stay in here" I whispered in his ear running my fingers down his chest. Ethan swallowed hard. "I like to make sure i don't have to beat up every guy in here at the end of the night" Ethan joked I noticed his voice was visible deeper. "You're so cute" I whispered kissing his jaw softly before getting up and walking back over to the bar.
Sasha stared at me "What? I can't let anyone think I'm slacking" I winked at her laughing in the process.

It was later that night when Ethan brought me back to his house, all the lights were off indicating everyone was asleep. I snuck over to the kitchen to grab something to eat when all of a sudden I noticed something at the back door. I turned my head to see a large wolf, my heart stopped. It's glowing yellow eyes stared at me. "Ethan" I called but my voice cracked, I couldn't stop staring at the animal. I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen, I looked over to see Ethan rushing in but when i looked back the wolf was gone. "Isabella are you alright" his voice was filled with concern as he wrapped an arm around me. "I- I there was a wolf at the back door" I stuttered out a wave a fear came over me. I felt Ethan visible tense up "Come on let's go to bed" he said leading me out of the kitchen.

It was dark outside, I couldn't tell what time it was but everything around me was dark. I was walking down stairs when I saw it, the glowing yellow eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut, it's not there Isabella is not there. I repeated to myself in my head over and over again. As I took a step forwards I heard a low growl. My heart stopped and I was frozen in fear. I looked around and saw nothing but as I looked forward a large wolf leaped in front of me. I wanted to scream out in fear but my mouth wouldn't open. The animals large paw was pressed to my chest I was struggling to move. I looked up at it, the wolf looked down at me bearing its teeth. "Isabella" it said in a low voice. Panic rushed over me, how did it know my name? "Isabella" it said again before the wolf kicked me into the wall.
I shot up with a scream, I was in bed, it was just a dream. A terrible, realistic dream. Ethan was sat beside me his hands on my arm, he looked scared. I was still breathing heavily do to my terrific nightmare. "Isabella are you okay, you scared me have to death" Ethan said I was a little unsure of what to say. No I was not alright, that was the worst dream I've ever had. "N-no" I said still scared. "What was it? What we're you dreaming about?" Ethan asked rubbing my cheek soothingly. "The wolf, he attacked me. I could actually feel it on my chest Ethan" I knew probably sounded crazy but I didn't care, he would have reacted the same way if he had that dream. "Isabella I think you've been under a lot of stress lately, with your mom and everything, it was just a dream" he tried to calm me down but I shot up out of bed. "No Ethan it was real! I saw the wolf tonight downstairs and then I had this crazy realistic dream tonight. I'm not crazy I'm scared. I thought I was going to die" I told him my breathing was heavy and I could feel the cold sweat on my back and forehead. "Isabella I would never let anyone hurt you" Ethan said standing up to wrap his arms around me. I let him hug me hugging him back as well. We got back into bed I had my head rested on Ethan's chest "I love you Isabella" Ethan whispered stroking my hair "I love you too" I whispered back starring at the shadow of a wolf.

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