Chapter Six

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Isabella Chapter 6

My eyes opened slowly as I was still tired the clock on my bed side table said it was one in the afternoon. I knew it was Saturday so the idea of sleeping in didn't bother me. I remembered last night, Ethan getting into a fight, and then him kissing me. The idea of him kissing me sent shivers down my spin I rolled over facing the other side of my bed where Ethan laid. "Good morning" he said his voice deep and raspy sleep still in his eyes "More like afternoon" I joked Ethan laughed wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. Last night we didn't get to much of an agreement in the whole 'just friends' thing because half way through I ended up falling asleep, I remember dozing off a couple of times. "God you're beautiful" Ethan said kissing my temple it was in that moment I realized I probably didn't look beautiful considering I had last nights make up smeared all over my face. I quickly hid my face in my pillow causing Ethan to laugh "What are you doing?" He asked "I just remembered I have last nights make up on" I said through the muffle of the pillow. "What?" Ethan asked grabbing hold of me so I would sit up. I still clung to the pillow keeping it over my face. "You're beautiful" Ethan said moving the pillow, his eyes met mine and every time I look at the bright green color I fall a little harder.

"You know you don't have to leave" the words fell from my lips in a soft tone. Ethan pulled the white undershirt over his head, "I have to. I don't want to but I have to" he said sitting down on my bed next to me "Maybe I could come back later" he said placing a hand on my bare thigh "Maybe" I winked. This side of me was new normally I'd have to be in heels and wearing six pounds of make up before I could be flirty but with Ethan it just came out, why I'm not sure I just know that I don't have to hide around him. "Fuck.." Ethan groaned as he laid down on my bed. "What?" I asked moving so I was leaning over him slightly. "I don't wanna leave" he mumbled under his breath my lips pulled into a half smirk "Then stay" I said resting my head on his chest "Isabella.." Ethan trailed off I hummed in response "I have to go" Ethan said I nodded before I started placing soft kisses on his jaw. "You're making this so hard for me" Ethan said he was still laying on my bed. I nodded as I continued kissing his jaw "Fuck" he said under his breath again "You say fuck a lot" I laughed "Yeah" he said opening his mouth as if he was going to say something again but decided not too. "I'll see you later" he said abruptly before getting up and walking out of my room. An odd feeling washed over me, had I done something wrong? I quickly reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone calling the one person I knew would be able to help me. "Hey wanna grab lunch?" I asked.

I sat in the mall food court with Chick-fil-A bag on the table. Bethany walked over and sat down smiling "Ooh you got my favorite" she said reaching for the chicken sandwich. "Yes, now serious question" I began waiting for her to respond she nodded her mouth full of food "How do you..flirt?" I asked playing with my fingers out of nervousness "Flirt?" She asked trying to
make sure she heard what I said correctly "Yes flirt" my tone was a bit harsh because well I didn't like relationships and I never was any good at them. "Oh my god! This is about Ethan isn't it?!" She asked excitedly I couldn't deny her theory because it was correct. I stayed silent which provided her right. "Oh my god Curtis and I knew you two would end up together this is great!" She clapped "Wow Beth betting on my relationship statues" I said rolling my eyes "Has he asked you out? Are you two serious? Have you had sex?" She questioned me the last question threw me off completely "Is everything to you about sex?" I asked she didn't hesitate to answer as she replied with a quick yes. "Wow" I said rolling my eyes "No he has not asked me out but he spent the night last night and he got in a fight with some guys outside the club because they were talking about me" I informed her Bethany placed both hands over her heart "That's so sweet!" She gushed "Yeah.." I said trailing off taking a sip of my drink. Bethany stood up grabbing my hand "Manicures come on" she pulled me up I rolled my eyes "Come on you know what I always say chipped nails-" "Won't get you males" I finished for her rolling my eyes.
We sat in a nail salon having our nails done "Okay so the first lesson in romantics" Bethany started lifting one perfect manicured finger "Guys love a girl who pays attention to them, you know look at them laugh at what they say trust me" she smiled I looked at Bethany with her beautiful features and talented mine she could be one of the most popular girls in school but here she is hanging out with me. I smiled real big causing Bethany to look at me curiously "What are you smiling at?" She asked "I changed my mind I don't want a 'Lesson in romantics' I want to catch up with you. How's your thing with Curtis?" I asked changing the subject. It wasn't that I didn't want to know how to be flirty it's just I decided I could do that later right now I needed to appreciate the time I had with my best friend. Bethany's eyes lit up at the sound of his name. "Great! I've always liked him and I suspected he liked me too but I just didn't do anything about it he always had some blonde bitch around him. But then he asked me to Valentines Day Dance and that was amazing we got back to his house and he ripped the dress off my back an-" I cut her off right there "Oh my god no Beth I do not want to here about your crazy sex story with him. Ew no gross!" I said squinting my eyes Bethany laughed "Fine I'll keep those juicy details to myself" she winked at me I made a gagging sound before laughing. "Okay this is serious now, do you remember my cousin the one who moved to New York?" Bethany asked I nodded "She came home last night and is throwing a big welcome home part"
"For herself?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Yes, you know Grace no one makes her happier then herself" Beth laughed softly "I'm assuming you're telling me about this because you want me to go with you" I said "Yes!" She smiled "Why not just go with Curtis" I said shrugging the idea of going to a party didn't sound to exciting "Well I want you there, you are my best friend. Beside it gives us a good reason to buy cute shoes and dresses" she winked I laughed "I don't know..." I hesitated "Please Isabella!" Bethany clasped her hands together in a begging form "Fine" I rolled my eyes. "Great lets go shopping!" Bethany paid the lady at the counter for the manicures before grabbing my hand dragging me throw the mall.

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