Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter 26

"Your father hates me" I say as I open my front door where Ethan stood.
"He doesn't hate you" Ethan defended stepping inside.
"Well he obviously has something against me" I had my back to Ethan so he couldn't see me roll my eyes.
Ethan followed me to my room, he kept quiet as he stood in the doorway waiting to answer. I've noticed he always thinks before he speaks, like he's afraid to say something.
"I think he's just taking his anger for me out on you" he finally spoke.
"What anger? What did you guys talk about earlier today?" I asked genuinely curious.
Ethan rubbed the back of his head as he licked his lips. He opened his mouth but didn't speak.
"And don't say it's complicated, because I'm getting really tired of that" I then stated once I knew he wasn't going to say anything I wanted to hear.
"Oh my god Ethan please. Nothing is that complicated. You just don't want me to know something" I said I couldn't help but get frustrated with him.
"Isabella I don't want you involved with this" he said seriously.
I stood there looking at him my brows pointed down as I began to think of any scenario possible.
"Are you in a cult? Or the mafia?" I asked in all seriousness.
With that Ethan let out of soft chuckle before pulling me into his arms.
"No, and just leave my father to me. And you can worry about whatever it is you worry about" he kissed the top of my head.
"I worry about you" I whispered
"Don't, nothing's going to happen to me" Ethan said hugging me tight. I pushed on Ethan's chest moving out of his grip.
"I'm serious Ethan. There's something you're not telling me and it's getting to be a problem" I crossed my arms standing my ground.
He can't just kiss me or hug me and act like everything's okay.
"Isabella please don't push it" he said in somewhat of a stern voice.
"Don't push it? Ethan stop trying to deny it"

Ethan shook his head moving to my bed where he sat down. He held his head in his hands, neither of us spoke.
"Isabella there are just somethings I can't tell you" he finally said looking up at me.
"I can't be with someone who obviously keeps a big part of his life from me" I spoke softly keeping my head down.
I didn't say this to hurt him, it was the honest truth. It would be different if it was something minor but this seems to take up a huge part of his life.
"You don't mean that do you?" Ethan's head shot up. I took a deep breath looking at him.
"Yes I do" the corners of my mouth pointed down into a frown.
Ethan stood up placing his hands on my cheeks allowing me to look him in the eyes.
"This doesn't change the way I feel about you. In fact it only increases it. I want to protect you". The sincerity of his voice made my heart melt. The way I feel for Ethan is never going to change and I knew that. He should know that.
I grabbed his hands and laced our fingers together.
"I love you. But I won't be lied to" I said seriously, my voice cold.
"There are some things I need to work out but I will tell you everything. You're the love of my life Isabella." He kissed my forehead pulling my body closer to his where I laid my head on his chest.

I woke up the next morning alone in bed. The side of the bed was still made which meant Ethan never stayed. My heart ached at his absence.
I sat up in bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I grabbed my phone to check my messages.

Bethany: Are you off tonight? I want to go out!

Unknown: hey Isabella it's your dad. At hospital with your mother call me when you get a chance.

I replied to Bethany saying I was free tonight. But my finger hovered over the call button to my father.
I know we'd spent a nice bonding evening together but I was still reluctant to let him in.

I was sat at Bethany's house sitting in the kitchen with her while she painted my nails.
"Bethany you're shit at this" I said when she painted my skin more than the nail itself.
"Oh shut up it'll wash off" she insisted.
"So you said you wanted to go out tonight?" I asked blowing on the hand she'd just finished. Bethany threw up her arms in excitement almost knocking over the nail polish.
"Yes! Grace got us an invite to this huge club opening downtown."
"You want to go out with Grace? The last we partied with her she made out with my boyfriend" I said dryly.
"She's really sorry about that by the way. Besides I don't even think she's coming. She just got our names on the list"
I rolled my eyes at the thought of Grace being really sorry.
"Okay fine." I said not having the energy to argue with her about going out.
"Are you going to invite Ethan?" She asked I shrunk down at the mention of his name.
"I don't think so"
Bethany snapped up looking at me
"Why not? Is something wrong?" She asked
"No. Well I mean yes. I don't know Beth, he's keeping something from me and it's wrong don't you think?" I wanted her opinion on the matter. She thought for a minute.
"I do think that y'all should be able to speak freely to each other but the more you pressure him to do so the more he'll close up. I'm sure it's nothing anyway. Probably just some family stuff." I couldn't help but not like her answer. I wanted her to tell me it was okay to be upset that he was keeping things from me. I felt like she was taking his side.
I shook my head dismissing the whole subject.
"Okay well still maybe tonight can just be a girls night" I smiled at her.
"Of course! Now let's go to your house so I can raid your closet" she said winking at me.

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