Chapter Seven

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Isabella Chapter 7

I've ignored every phone call text message knock on the door because I know who it is. It's Ethan coming to apologize and to explain himself. After that night I didn't cry I sat in my room and just pretended like nothing happened. At first there was a pain in my chest but it went away. I've ignored him at school sense then for about two weeks now. Every time I see him walking down the wall towards me I walk a little faster just so he won't talk to me. I'm back to wearing my boyfriend jeans and baggy sweatshirts and hoodies, I don't wear my contacts anymore just my glasses it makes it easier to hide.

I closed my locker door to see Bethany smiling at me "Hey" she said softly "Hi" I gave her a small smile "How are you?" She asked I sighed rolling my eyes "Beth I know what you're doing, you're asking me questions and then you're going to tell Curtis who's going to tell Ethan" I said I didn't care that she was asking how I was because it didn't matter "Isabella both of you are upset, just look at how sad he is" she said looking over her shoulder "I'm not upset" I defended "Yes you are" she said sternly "I know you, you're my best friend and when you're upset I can tell" she said I shook my head "Maybe you don't know me!" I snapped Bethany looked at me her big brown eyes wide "I'm sorry Beth I-I just have to go" I said turning on my heal towards the front of the school so I could leave.

My heels clicked on the hard dark marble floor of the club as I went to serve two men their beers. "Thanks babe" one of them said smacking my butt I rolled my eyes before turning back around and smiling at him "You're welcome" I said turning and walking away. Sasha came up to me "Someone requested a private dance from you" she said winking. I wasn't in the mood for this tonight, I was irritable and tired and just wanted to go home and sleep. I went into the private room and no one was in there they must be coming. I stood in the middle of the room when I heard the door open and close. I turned to see Ethan, I glared at him "Oh no fuck no" I said walking to the door to leave "No Isabella please stay" Ethan wrapped his arm around my waist tugging me away from the door. "I don't want to talk to you" I said "I realize this but I have to talk to you" he said looking down at me and that when I saw how depressed he looked. His normal bright eyes lost there glow he had bag under his eyes and stubble along his jaw. "No" I said turning my head so I wouldn't have to look at him "Isabella I would never-" I cut him off "You would never what? Hurt me because that's exactly what you did. You hurt me so badly I was numb" I all but yelled at him anger and sadness were the only things I was feeling because after two weeks of bottling up my feelings I finally exploded "I'm sorry. I am really but you have to understand Grace kissed me" Ethan said "I know that" I said crossing my arms "Then why are you mad at me?" I rolled my eyes at him "Because you didn't try and push her off" I huffed out "It's not as easy as you think" Ethan explained "Are you kidding me? You're huge! You could have easily pushed her away" I said my arms fling up into the air before I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Isabella I'm sorry. Please forgive me. These last two weeks have been hell" Ethan begged I'm surprised he wasn't on his knees. "I don't know Ethan" I mumbled his effect on me made me weak and I hated it, but I couldn't help but to bite my lip at the thought of forgiving him. "I'll make it up to you. I want to take you on a date" he said "A date?" I asked "Yes one date and if it's horrible you won't have to talk to me ever again but if you have a great time we can be together" he said lacing his fingers with mine I fought back a smile as I thought of his words "One date tomorrow eight o'clock" I said Ethan nodded smirking before kissing my cheek "No no as of now I'm mad at you" I said stepping back Ethan laughed pulling me into his chest "Yeah okay"

"A real date!?" Bethany exclaimed over the phone. "Yes a real date. I'm nervous I don't know what he has planed and it's seven thirty" I said brushing back my straight hair. "Just

Wear something that says sexy but also casual incase you guess do something you know causal" Bethany said I recognized her tone "Beth, do you know what he has plained" I asked "What of course not!" Her voice was high pitched "Beth" I said sternly "Okay okay I know but I'm not telling." she giggled on the other line. I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see them "Oh wear your skinny jeans" Bethany spoke up I sighed heavily "Fine".

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