Chapter 8: Wait

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Emily left the woods feeling as if she had made the biggest mistake of her life however with no regrets.
She loved that she hated that kiss however knew that she loved Layla.

As she exited the woods Emily felt her phone vibrate and realized Layla was calling again.
She didn't have the guts to answer her.

Emily went straight home.
She knew she was in some kind of trouble with herself.
Alison was that girl.
The girl the underdog always wanted but never had.
With every touch Alison gave Emily, Emily saw as the gift from gods. However after the years she tried to live with the idea that everything in the past was just that, the past.

"Emmy dinner is ready" Emily mom said to Emily.

Emily had a blank stare out the window and didn't respond.

"Emmy? Are you okay?" Pam asked.

Emily reacted. "Yea... I'll be down in 2 mins"

Emily would see her phone light up once in a while and she knew exactly who it was.

However one text was from Spenser inviting the girls to a bQQ at her lake house the following day.

Emily believed Alison would be there however she couldn't hide forever.

After dinner Emily decided she should return Layla call.
They had a 30 minute conversation where Emily made a dumb excuse about her jogging and didn't see the call and had lots of things through the day.

"Alright love I have an early meeting tomorrow I'll text you" Layla said.

"Layla I love you" Emily said before hanging up.

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