Boys Will Be Boys

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"Damn Spiff, got more tats I see well all of you really" I say while. Giving all my boys a hug and looking at how different they look. I know what you're thinking. Weird names right? And yes they're cholos. Lucky got his name because he says assholes out here would be lucky if they don't know him, Spiff got his name cause I don't man he's just spiffy, I started it and it stuck, Ace, that's the ultimate Latin king right there, we call him Ace cause it's a powerful card in the deck, and Joker he's the rude sarcastic jokester, obviously in the name. All five of us used to fuck shit up way back before I left. Now I wear tuxes and say excuse me every now and then.
"What's up Hollywood, when you get back into town" Spiff says punching my chest. "Wasn't even gonna tell your best buds huh fool?" Asked Ace. "I just got back not too long ago" I said. "Not too long ago? You already got a new girlfriend, where the fuck is Tracie cause I had dibs before you ese" said Lucky. "Guys this is Ashley" I said ignoring the Tracie comment. "I wasn't aware of the relationship myself" I looked at her confused. "Did you see the look on Blue's face? I'd fake a relationship for that face anyday" she said making us all laugh and agree. "Well guys we were just heading out for lunch could we maybe catch up later?" I said grabbing Ashley's hand. "Of course yo bring me back a burger or something puto" Joker said which riled up the guys and made them laugh.

"Interesting friends you have there Jay" Ashley begins while she puts her seatbelt on.
"May I suggest skipping the trip down memory lane?"
"What's the matter, got something to hide?"
Don't we all....

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