(Troy) Game Over

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Yes, it is I Troy Boy who ended Grayson. His lies have done nothing but hurt Tracie. Which by the way sucks cause as her baby daddy she has a damn nutjob, nonetheless, I ended him.
"Wow you seriously brag even more in your head?" Jacks said.
"You know, I'm in such a good mood right now I don't even care that you're in my head"
"And why is that? Because you almost got shot oh wait no no, because I saved your ass?"
"No, because I exposed Reeds asshole"
"I mean I do accept thank you's" jacks said waiting to hear one from me.
"Bro, I totally had him, I just wanted him to think he had me"
"He wasn't, thinking, he was aiming"
"Eh same difference Jacks"
"Not same difference! You could've died T"
"You and I both know I'm fast enough to get loose from any grip of his or anyone for that matter"
"Either you need to be smarter about it, not a cocky bastard"

I wonder if it'll always be the same with Jacks. He thinks I'm under his wing or some shit. Like I can't take care of myself. Friends are friends. Not my damn parents or protectors.

"Friends are there to have your back dickwad" Jacks said then walked away. Its been a few days and all that has happened is some guy named Blue got in a fight with some kid, Jay's boys have been asking around for him, and Tracie has been very conservative. And now that I realize she's been like hovering over her bag like something is in it. Probably something stupid but point is, its boring.

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