Will This Ever Get Better? Part 7

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The next thing I remember is waking up on something hard with my head pounding.  I tried to sit up but the pounding got worse and I ran into the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

I heard someone walk in and lean against the doorway, “How’s that hangover treating you?”  I heard a sexy, masculine voice say.

My head shot up to the person standing in the doorway, causing my head to throb even more causing me to groan.  I saw the guy from the club last night, Nate, standing there.  I threw up the contents of my stomach again as he held my hair back.  I laid down against the cold tile floor once I finished.

“What happened last night?  We didn’t….?”  I trailed.  Please, please tell me I didn’t sleep with him.

He chuckled. “No, we didn’t have sex or hook up at all.  You were super drunk and falling all over the place so Mackenzie told me your address and I called a cab.  I felt bad for leaving you here alone though so I came in and was going to just wait until Mackenzie got home, and then leave.  You convinced me to lay down with you though and said you were scared of monsters.  As soon as you laid down you passed out and I must have fallen asleep too.”  He explained.

“Oh God… That’s so embarrassing...” I whined.

He laughed, “Nahh, it’s fine.  We all do weird and stupid things when we’re drunk.”

I brushed my teeth once I started feeling better and walked downstairs to make breakfast.  As I walked through the living room I saw Mackenzie lying on the sofa, watching TV. “Oh, hey, sleeping beauty.  How are you this morning?” she asked.

“Worst hang over ever.”  I said, collapsing on the couch next to her.  “How about you?”

“I didn’t have much to drink so I’m fine.  You’re the one who couldn’t even stand up without help?”  She teased.

“Ughh.  Are you serious?  I’m never doing that again.”  My head continued to throb and my stomach growled.  “You guys want something to eat?”

“Yeah, I’d love something.”  They agreed.

I headed to the kitchen and started making pancakes.  Nate came on part of the way through and leaned against the counter.  “How’s your head?”  He asked.

‘Ehh.. it’s alright. I’ll live.”  I told him.

“You want some help?”  He asked.

“Nah, I got it.” I ensured.

“Do you remember last night at all?”  He asked curiously.

“Not really.  I remember going to the club… Dancing with Mackenzie, seeing Jake, meeting you…and making Jake jealous.”  I started laughing .  “Wow, I forgot about that until just now.”

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun.  He got so mad.”  He said with a chuckle.  “You don’t remember anything after that though?”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2011 ⏰

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