Calming Down

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Hey! Long time no update. Sorry. High school sucks. AND LIKE WTF IS WITH THE DRAMA?! Plus one evil little cupcake distracted me today with an AMAZING pic of Josh Ramsay. Like, wow! Anywho.... Btw if ur writing, girls, don't lay on ur chest. Ow, my boob!!!! :(

Chapter 17 (.... When does the story start? What the hell Bubba?)

Luke's pov. (Ohhhh ;) )

I stared at the red bump on my cheek and my black eye. Little bitch. She'll pay for what she did to me, and that fag of a brother too. I hate him so much. Him and his horrible friends. How dare he abandon the family like that? So what if dad did horrible things to him? He deserved it! His little slut Amber is pretty hot though... I may as well fuck her before I kill her. I'm guessing she would be a nice lay, stress reliever. But Blake would come back to us, he would anything to please father. I smirk and walked away from the mirror into dads room. I knocked before walking in. "Aw Luke, how did it go? What happened to that face of yours?" He asked, almost showing emotion. He doesn't ever show emotion unless it's a goo reason. "I was talking to the thing I call my brother, when some crazy ninja freak knocked me out. Came out of no where." I explained, knowing I would get punished. "LUKE! ALWAYS KEEP EYES ON SURROUNDINGS AS WELL AS THE ENEMIE!" He barked at me before back handing me across the cheek. "Sorry, dad." I mumbled, looking down.

My cheek stung but I deserved it. "Son, we have to get Blake back! He is our slut and we need a slut. You need to get him back!" He growled at me, hitting my shoulder. I nodded and went to my room. How do I get that bitch back here? He doesn't have any cares in the world-except for Amber. I'll take the bitches bitch! Brilliant! I grabbed my sketch book and started my plan. This was gonna be good.


Avery's Pov.

Blake's in trouble.


He's so stupid!



Everyone was sitting in the living room, no one saying anything. We have been here for an hour now. Why would Blake even go see that monster? This is all his bloody fault. "Amber? Please Amber... I'm sorry! You heard what I said on the phone.... I love you, baby. Please, talk to me! Let me hold you..." He begged Amber again. He has been doing this for the past hour. "Stop! Enough! We are all pissed right now, enough with your begs for love!" I nearly screamed at him. I was annoyed and upset he did that, seeing his brother. "FOR FUCKS SAKE I HAD TO! I HAD NO CHOICE! HE WOULD HAVE HURT ALL OF YOU! But.... But your right. It is my fault. I should have stayed to myself, not dragging you into my life."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Amber screamed. Her eyes were wide and she looked wild, insane. "STOP SAYING YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS OR BLAMED YOUR SELF! JUST SHUT UP!" She screamed at Blake and started hitting him. He yelped and fell to his back. Oh god! Amber shot up, sat on his stomach and continued punching him. "AMBER! MUFFIN! STOP!" Riley screamed, getting up and pulling Amber off Blake. She shrieked and started spazzing in Riley's arms. "PUT. ME. DOWN!" She shrieked and flailed some more. Blake sat up and stared at Amber in shock and disbelief. What the fuck is happening?! Amber suddenly went limp.

"Amber..." Blake whisper, voice dripping with fear. She was really freaking me out right now. "Amber.. Your freaking us out. Amber, calm down...." Blake said, slowly standing up and putting two arms out in front of him. I heard small, pathetic sobs from out from somewhere. "Amber, it's gonna be ok..." Blake said, putting his arms down. Amber shrieked again and went crazy. "NO! ITS NOT! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! THATS IT! WE ARE DEAD! Let's all die, together. Holding hands. Why don't we all die, side by side. Doesn't that great Blakey?" She asked, her time of voice and body langue made me very scared, I started crying. "Amber, stop. Your scaring everyone." I sobbed, backing away from her slowly.

Blake gulped and walked toward her. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Amber and she broke. She screamed loud sobs into his shoulder clinging to him for dear life. After she screamed for another 3 minutes, she furrowed her head into Blake's neck. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for acting that way. I just, I don't know what to do." She said, muffled by Blake's neck. "Oh Amber..." I sighed, shaking my head. I couldn't imagine what she's going through. God, this whole situation is for shit! "WE JUST NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!! Let's watch a movie, yeah? We can calm down and then we can think about what to do when we are calm!!" Jake suggested. I nodded in agreement and I guess everyone else agreed as well.

"What do we wanna watch?" Nick asked, holding on to Kevin's hand for dear life. Poor lad. "Want to Burlesque?" I suggested. Amber shot up from Blake's hold and shook her head. "No! Blake can't watch all the attractive girls dancing in slutty clothes! I forbid it!" Amber stomped her foot in prove her point. I laughed and Blake rolled his eyes. "Whatever, babe." And with that, we cuddled up to the couch. Nick was sitting on Kevin's lap, cuddled closely to his chest. I giggled at them. Nick kept looking up at Kevin and pressing kisses against his jaw. How adorable!! Amber was on Blake's lap, covering his eyes when the girls danced seductively. Blake would always move her hands away and kiss her neck a few times. Next, was Riley and Rayne. Riley sat closely to Rayne, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm on her knee.

Finally was Jake and I. I wanted to sit on his lap like Blamber (Blake and Amber) and Kevick (Kevin and Nick) but he probably didn't like me like that. He was making out with some blond at the park. I frowned at the thought. "Avery?" Jake asked from beside me. "Yeah?" I answered. "I'm cold." "So? What do you want me to do about it?" I asked. He said nothing. I rolled my eyes and moved to sit down on his lap. Cuddling to his chest, warming him up. "Thanks." He whispered. I rolled my eyes at him, yet again. "Stop, babe!" I heard Kevin hiss at Nick. Amber paused the movie and looked at the couple. "What's the matter now?" Riley questioned them.

"He's distracting me!" Kevin shouted, pointing a blaming finger at Nick. Nick sat up in outrage. "How?!" He questioned. "You keep kissing my jaw and running your thumb over my hand and your sitting on my lap! It's very distracting!" Kevin whined. An there it was. The stupid little fights the gay couple got into, the fights Amber had to settle. "Kevin! That's not fair! Fine then!" Nick said, standing up and sitting on the floor. Amber nodded and started the movie again. But slowly Kevin started moving towards Nick. Finally, he had Nick cuddled up to him on the floor. "Crazy idiots!" Blake barked in laughter. Kevin, didn't even look behind, gave us the middle finger. "I would, honestly, you are one hunk of boyish charm but I'm afraid that, that's Nicks job." Jake said with a shrug.

Me and everybody else laughed our beads off, while Nick and Kevin's faces turn a bright red. "SHUDDUP!" They screamed together. Nick hid his face in Kevin's shirt and we laughed. I looked over at Blake and Amber, rolling my eyes. They were kissing, lightly, but still kissing. Those slut bags. My he whole damn room. Full of slut bags. "Y'all are all mentally insane! You can't just make out or make sweet love to each other while there are other people in da room!" Rayne said, winking at Amber who have him the middle finger. "YOU SLUT BAGS! BUNCH OF SLUTS!" Riley screamed and everyone laughed.

And then we heard the crash.


Blake's pov.


What was that? I jumped at the noise, my attention drawn away from Amber. "Guys...C'était quoi ça?" Riley asked in French, a habit of hers. "Je ne sais pas, je vais regarder pour voir ce qui a fait du bruit..." I replied in French. So basically she asked what the noise was and I said I don't know but I'll look into it. I got off the couch and went to the back room. I walked slowly and quietly. I looked in the back room to find nothing. I walked into the room, confused. Then I saw the dead bird outside our window. It was just a bird that ran into our window. I sighed of relief and went back into the living room. "C'était juste un oiseau qui volait dans la fenêtre, c'est ok!" I replied happily (He said it was just a bird that flew into a window, it's ok). They all laughed and calmed down visibly.

I went and sat back down with Amber, kissing her forehead and humming contently.


So I know I suck at updating. And I know this is short. But there wasn't a lot I could write about. I personally liked Ambers freak out. And I may as well throw in some French. Thanks for being loyal readers! LOVE U ALL!

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