Give Me Time

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Phone Conversation 

"A'Jahnae, I need you to meet me right now." AJ's voice rang through the phone. 

"Yes, AJ?" I asked, putting a bow into Crystal's hair. 

"Meet me!" She yelled. 

"Why, what is going on?" 

"Trey still went to the bitch's show, so I'm popping up to the set. I need you to come with me because you are my sister." I sighed, shaking my head. 

"Where at?" 

"Just meet me at my house. The set for the show isn't too far away from here." I looked at Mama Joyce and she nodded. I had AJ on speaker so she heard. 

"Alright, AJ." 

"Okay." She hung up. 

End of Conversation 

"Come here, Mommy's baby." I puckered my lips. Crystal kissed me, smiling. "Mama, I shouldn't be gone long, I'm sorry about the short notice." I apologized, putting on my all white Air Force One's. 

"Tell your sisters I went out for a moment if they wake up, Crystal." She nodded, waving. I smiled, walking out. 

Once I got into my Porsche, I drove off. It has been a week since Chris and I had the conversation in Mama Joyce's room. I have chosen not to see him like I have been doing. Chris always told me how much he loved me and how I meant to him, though, everyday. Today, he's been leaving endless  comments on my pictures because today was the anniversary date of the time I lost my virginity to him. He always thought it was so special. He said stuff like "damn my wife is bad asf" and "this all mines". All of it ended up on The Shade Room since people were aware that I and him weren't together anymore.

I pulled up to AJ's house, seeing her outside smoking a cigarette. I shook my head as she got in. "You need to let that habit go." I drove off as she threw the cigarette out of the window. 

"You know I only smoke when I'm stressed out, Nae. Shit, I don't know what I'm gonna do when I see him." 

"Hopefully nothing crazy, A'Jaiziea. If she is filming, you better not go on to the set." 

"You know security won't let me. I'll just be in his dressing room, I guess." She shrugged. I turned up the radio a bit and we listened to I Got the Keys. 

Soon, we made it to the set. Both of us got out, and paparazzi snapping pictures left and right. We walked in quickly, but were stopped by security. "What do you want?" AJ rolled her eyes. 

"Do you ladies have an access pass to this area?" He asked. 

"I am Trey Songz's wife, that's all the access pass I need." AJ flashed a fake smile. 

"I'm gonna need some identification." He held out his hand. AJ held her ID up to her face. 

"A'Jaiziea Neverson." She put it down quickly, I laughed to myself. Her and Trey weren't married yet, so she didn't have his last name on it. 

"Alright." He moved to the side for us to go in. 

"Yeah, bitch." AJ blew a kiss at him walking past. I laughed, following. We made a left and walked down a hallway with dressing rooms on the left and right. AJ stopped when she found Trey's room. She opened the door, walking in. 

"How did you know it was unlocked?" I asked. 

"I didn't. Let's take advantage of it." She said, going through his jacket pocket. I searched in his pants pocket. AJ gasped, holding up an unused condom. "I knew it! He was planning on fucking her! Ugh, I'm going out there!" I stopped AJ. 

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