Soul selling

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Okay, so you see, I'm not the most excited person ever when it comes to socializing. I've always had a problem with being around big groups of people. This problem has lead me to have no friends. I am a nineteen year old anxiety ridden male, and I am awkward and I can't order my own food and I'm in dire need of at least one friend.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, sorta. Hi, my name is Daniel Lachlan, and I'm going to sell my soul. No bigge, right? Wrong. I made the mistake of telling my therapist this, and this is the situation that ensued.
~~one week ago~~
"Daniel, we need to have a very important conversation," My mother almost never wants to talk me. She is always 'too busy to be bothered' with my company.

"Yeah Mom?" My mom motioned for me to come join her on the couch from my position in the kitchen doorway.

"I received a phone call from your therapist yesterday. It was very alarming to me as a mother to hear," she paused long enough for me to sit down across from her. I don't like sitting close to people, "She is concerned for your well-being. As am I. What you have told her makes her think you are 1) crazy and 2) in need of being institutionalized. I would hate to spend money on something you obviously don't need. So, please explain to me why you would say you're going to sell your soul?" I was shocked because I never thought those words would come out of my mothers mouth. I never thought that Savannah (his therapist) would out me to my mom.

I stuttered for a response, "Um? I-I don't know?" My voice was paper thin. I didn't know how to get out of that conversation, " I just- well you know- okay let me explain my thinking. So I have never really gotten along with other people and I've always isolated myself," I held up a hand because she was going to interrupt, "Doing that has led to me having severe social anxiety. We all know this. I can't socialize properly and whenever I'm in a room with more than three people I freak out. I have no friends except my cat, which is sad to say the least. So, I did some research about it for fun. I found out that you could make a deal with a soul dealer and get whatever you want in return. I just want a friend and if giving up my soul is what it takes, then I'm doing it." I finished with a rush a breath. My mother had a horrified look on her face.

~~present day. A Tuesday actually~~

My explanation did nothing to help my mother understand. She just got more upset and she ended up crying hysterically. It was terrible for me because I have absolutely no idea how to comfort people. So, I just kind of let her cry. Anyways, I digress slightly. The situation I'm currently in is a bit harder for me. My mom made me move out, so she 'didn't have to deal with it', yeah those were exact words.
I am living in a apartment the size of a shoe box. I didn't have tons of money to move out into somewhere nicer (not that small apartments aren't nice) despite the fact that both my parents are loaded. So tiny apartment and no internet. Yet. But it makes it super difficult to make an appointment to sell your soul with no wifi.

~~three days later~~
I HAVE WIFI AND MY DEALER IS COMING SOON AND IM TOTALLY UNPREPARED. Okay now that that is out of my system. But no, for real, it's happening. I'm selling my soul, to a Mr. Hollow. Yeah, that name isn't strange.

I don't know how to prepare for this at all. How do you- how do you prepare yourself to give up your soul? Will I feel different? Will I feel empty? Will the man whose taking it be nice to me? Or will he, eat me, or something? I really wish I hadn't made the appointment for three pm today. I should've made it next week or something. Wait. Where's my cat? Did I feed them? Do they have water? What if my cat died?! No, no they're alive, somewhere. This apartment isn't that big, how do I lose my cat??
Okay I'm freaking out a tad bit. I'm going to make myself some tea and then maybe I'll take a quick nap.

~~three cups of tea and a four hour nap later~~

There is banging at my door. This is what I wake up to? Really? I roll over to check the time on my phone.

3:15 pm

crAP! I jump out of bed faster then I ever have before and slid down my hallway and around the corner to the door. I wait a second and the banging ceases and I hear footsteps. He's leaving, no no no, he can't. Open the door idiot.

"Wait! Mr. Hollow? I'm here, please come back!" I slump against my door way and put my face in my hands. I had one chance and I messed up. Great.

"Stop moping. I turned around didn't I?" A deep voice rumbles in front of me.

I look up startled. There is a 6'2, alabaster pale man in front of me. Dayum is all I have to really say.

"Hi-i" I manage to stutter out.

"Hi" he rumbles back, "May I come in? Or are we just gunna make the deal in the hallway?" He has a smirk on his face that probably makes all the girls swoon. Do demons even date? I don't know.

"Ohmygosh. Sorry, sorry. Come in, come in!" I push myself back through my doorway and he has to duck a little to fit through.
"Do you want anything? I have tea, I can make coffee? I have water and-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"I'm fine Daniel, but thank you," he looked very out of place in my white apartment. He was dressed in all black and has ink-black hair.

Dyed or not yet to be determined.

"How- how do you know my name? I mean I don't - I don't think that's weird or anything umm" I could feel my face turning red and I was getting flustered.

Mr. Hallow just laughed and despite him being a demon his laugh was beautiful. *runs away from own thoughts. You can't catch me gay feelings*

"My name is Damon and thank you for the compliment. I know your name because, as a dealer, I have to know everything I can about my client," he reached down into his bag to grab a beige folder, "Please sit, we have some things to discuss," his voice is still shocking because I've never heard a voice that deep.

"Uh yeah okay. Go ahead and sit too. The couch is big enough for both of us. What needs discussing exactly?" Hey, it's not like I've sold a soul before.

"The first matter is how long you want? We have four different plans. We have a one year, three year, eight year, and a ten year plan. It means that you'll get that many years after the deal is sealed and our end of the bind is fulfilled. Then there's the matter of what you want in return for selling your soul. It's all very simple really. Well, for me at least, for you it might me a little more difficult." He looked at me intently.

"It actually isn't that hard for me. I want three years, and what I want in return is that I want the devil to be my friend," I glance over to him to see his reaction. He looks shocked. Why, you asked? Well it might be because I just asked for Satan to be my friend.

"You want Satan to be your friend? You know he's a sadistic pain in the ass right?" He starts to chuckle and I don't understand the joke.

"Well, I guess I'll figure that out for myself, now won't I?" I look at him and smile my brightest smile. He looks to my mouth, then back up to my eyes.

He has green eyes. The greenest of green. But I digress.

"Okay. You want three years and Satan as your bestie. Correct?" He looks at me with his face void of emotion.

"Yes, please. So how do we seal this deal, exactly?" I could finally feel the nervousness setting in.

"You kiss me." He turns towards me.

"What?" I manage to get out despite me floundering for words.

"The deal is sealed with a kiss. And Mr. Boss man thought you would prefer a guy. Sorry, I don't make the calls," was he blushing? Damon was.

"Okay. Let's get it done. I need a friend," Damon chuckled and leaned closer to me. He smelt of evergreens and mint. His lips were soft and he was gentle. It was just a peck really. But I wouldn't mind kissing him again. He pulled away first and I leaned back. He was smiling shyly and stood up to attempt to hide his blush. I stood up too, but I started falling towards the floor. The last thing I heard was Damon yelling my name.

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