How about this?

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[This chapter is slightly different. I apologize]

Satan's POV-- 92 days after making the deal -- 32 days since the cat was eaten --

Alright, I'm not going to do that 'let's recap' thing because that's Daniels. But I will catch you upon on one thing. Daniel isn't in the greatest place right now, and you can think its stupid because it was just a cat, but to him it was the only thing he truly valued. So yeah, I could imagine that having your ex-boyfriends demon daughter eat them out of pure annoyance, would be a tad bit painful.

But that's beside the point. We got a different apartment, because he couldn't stand to stay there. It's on the south side of Brooklyn, and we never really leave. He gets very upset when he sees any type of animal out and about with their owner. I want to buy him another kitten but he has been very persistent on not getting another one yet. Key word, he said yet.

"Hey Danny," He was currently laying face down on our couch, listening to Gilmore Girls play out of the TV set, "You feel up to doing anything today?" He rolls over to look at me. His eyes are blood shot and there are deep blue shadows under them.

"No thanks. Maybe tomorrow," He's been saying that for two weeks now. I mean I'm taking it as a sign he's getting better, but who knows really.

"Is it alright if I go get us some food?" I gently lay my hand on his back.

"Chinese?" He mumbles.

"Of course Danny, I'll be right back," he's nodding of to sleep so he won't really know if I'm back soon or not.

As I'm driving to his favorite Chinese place, I see a familiar but unwanted figure walking in the direction of Daniel and I's new house. I whip a quick u-turn and pull up next to him. He just keeps walking so I snap my fingers and put him into the car with me.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing here?" I ask Damon.

He looks at me blankly before answering, "I'm going to see Danny," he tries to open the door and get out but it fails.

"It's Daniel," the only person who calls him Danny is me, "You don't get to see him unless he asks for you,"

"I don't think you're the one to decide that Satan, now let me out," he squirmed in his seat knowing he wasn't leaving unless I let him.

"I go by Nick, for Daniel's sake. And secondly, as his best friend, I do right now because you totally wrecked him," I see the look of pain cross over his face but I don't feel sorry for him.

"You know that was never my intention. I never would hurt him on purpose! I know, I know that I made a mistake letting my daughter go into a room alone with that cat. But how would I know that she was going to eat them!" He starts pulling at the handle on the door again.

"Maybe you should spend enough time with your children to know their habits," I tell him. I unlock the door and he flings it open.
"If you even think about going by Daniel before he asks to see you, I will end you Damon Hollows." He stares at me with his mouth slightly agape, and slowly nods. I take off double time now, so Danny doesn't register how long I've been gone.

I get to the restaurant, order Danny's food, stop at the gas station to pick him up a soda, then head home.

When I get back to our apartment Daniel is no longer on the couch. Obviously with his streak of not moving, I feel frantic about his absence.

"Daniel? Hey buddy, where are you?" I listen closely to any noise around the apartment. Water. The shower is running, well that has to be a good sign if I didn't have to forcibly move him to do so. 

I knock on the bathroom door. When I actually get him to shower, I usually sit in there to make sure he is okay.

I open the door and I'm hit in the face with steam, "Hey Danny? You doing alright?" I sit on top of the toilet, and de-glamour myself. My tail is sore from consistently being sat on.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine," his response is raspy because of his unused voice.

"That's good, I have your food. It's out on the counter with a soda for you," I listen to his breathing as he turns the water off.

"Mt. Dew?" He questions me.

"Always little man," I shake my head at his notion that I'd get him anything different.

"I'm bigger than you jackass. I'll be there in a moment. Thank you Nick," he sticks his hand out of the shower and I hand him his towel.

"I'll be in the kitchen," I exit the bathroom feeling a little better about his mental state.

He comes out wearing a long sleeved black shirt and black sweatpants. He looks comfortable, but I can see the anxiety in his eyes. His disorder has gotten worse over the past month.

"Here," I gently push his food towards him and I already opened his soda.

"Thank you," he sits on one of the stools by the counter, "You know you don't have to be so nice to me." He starts to shovel food into his mouth and I just start laughing.

"I'm nice to you because I actually like you, you jerk," I twirl my tail throughout my fingers and I fling a small ball of fore at him.

"Yeah well. Thanks. For liking me and stuff." He looks down shyly and I decide not to tell him about Damon. It looks like he's finally getting better and I refuse to ruin that.

"Maybe we can go for a walk tomorrow?" He takes a drink from his soda and looks at the wall over my shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah of course. Anywhere you'd like to go,"  I wrap my tail around the glass of water I poured myself.

"Just around, I guess. I just wanna walk," he finished his lo mien and got up.

"Back to the living room?" I follow him and mess around with my fire.

"You know it. You wanna join me? We can watch Shadowhunters or something?" He looks at me with so much hope that I'll join him that I can't say no.

"Okay. We'll marathon it." We sit and watch tv till 3 in the morning. He's past out so I carry him to his bedroom. The room has been slept in a total of maybe four times since we moved in.

~~the next morning~~
I woke up to Danny screaming.

When I got to his room there was a man straddling him with a knife to his throat.

"How about this?"

Hi guys. So obviously I haven't been doing the every other day updates. So Imma take a note from my good friend Max and just update once a week. Maybe Wednesday's. Yeah. I'll do that. But otherwise I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, I'm working hard on trying to make it a good story to read. ~Elijah

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