Ah fuck.

17 2 1

I "wake up" the next day. At least I think it's the next day. Time in Hell is weird, Nick said I was with Justin for four months, but to me it only felt like two weeks. Turned on my side the office is tilted, but I can still see the gist of everything in it.

There is a big desk, a chair that rolls, an entire wall is lined with filing cabinets. On the desk itself there is a lamp, huge piles of paper, neatly stacked, and two pencil holders filled with pens. I get up off the bed and look around some more. On the wall to the left there is are a few sheaths on the wall, holding swords. There is also a massive window on the wall next to the door, I assume that's so I can see if someone is coming to talk to me about something. I don't enjoy the thought of being in such a high place of power, and aren't people going to notice that my face is healed completely? I mean I was carved not more than thirty-six hours ago.

I sit down at my brand new desk and try to figure out what Damon was working on. It looks to me as if he was finishing up some deals. Making sure his end went through. Nick didn't tell me that I was the one who would have to make sure that all the deals went smoothly. Great, just great. I think back to when he summoned Jameson, all he did was snap his fingers.

I snap my fingers and try to summon Nick. Turns out there is a demon that's name is actually Nick. After I send him off, I try again, except this time, I try to summon Satan. It works, I think. There is a mushroom cloud of smoke in front of me.

"Daniel?" Nick is waving smoke out of his face, "Why'd you summon me? I was busy," He sits in a chair that he makes magically appear.

"You didn't tell me that I would be the one to make sure that all the deals go nicely" Just to mess with him, I try to make his chair disappear and succeed. He falls to the floor with a grunt.

"Well I see you're learning to use your powers." He stands up makes a chair out of flames, "I didn't tell you because I figured you'd just do them. I mean that's what Damon did," The fact that he would compare me to Damon makes fury erupt from my stomach. I shove away from my desk and fire erupts behind me. Nick and his chair cower backwards.

"I am not Damon! I will not be pushed around just because someone higher up doesn't want to do it!" I can feel the flames behind my back getting hotter and hotter the angrier I get.

"The only person higher up than you, is me. And I really don't enjoy handling the deals-" I cut him off.

"I don't give two shakes of a rats ass if you like doing them or not. You're going to do them," I sit down in my chair, but the flames still rage behind me. There was a knock at my door.

"Come in," As the door opened and half a body came in I waved my hand Satan vanished.

It was Justin, what he wanted was a mystery that I'm about to solve.

"Can I help you with something?" I gesture and a normal chair appears and the one of flames dissipates.

His face is masked with a mixture of emotions. Like he couldn't believe I was even here.

"There is a young child here, I don't know where to put them," he steps inside and sits down.

"Um. Okay well, what's their name? And what'd they do?" Daniel opened all the cabinets and waited.

"Tabby. She said her name was Tabby. She didn't do anything wrong, not in my eyes," Justin twisted a steel band around his finger.

"Alright I only have one file for someone named Tabby. The girl is fifteen, and murdered her dad?" I look up at him, "You don't see anything wrong with that?"

"No, because I know why she did it." He looked as if he was scared for the girl.

"Why'd she do it Justin?" I lean forward against my desk and prop my head in my hands.

"He was..he was molesting her. And her mom wasn't doing anything to stop him," Justin looked terrified.

"You have to torture her, don't you?" I feel sympathetic for the dude because she's only fifteen. I can't imaging him ever getting those screams out of his head.

"Yeah, I mean I'll do it. I just um...really don't want to." He looked ashamed. He's probably never said that he wouldn't cause someone pain.

"Bring her here." I look down at the papers I already had on my desk prior to Justin showing up.

"What?" Justin looks up at me like I'm crazy.

"Did I fucking stutter? Bring her to me. Now, Justin," Annoyance passes over his face for one moment before it turns back into its usual stone faced glare.

"Yes, sir. I'll be right back," Justin gets up and leaves.


I have been looking at these fucking papers for hours. Tabby has been assigned to the misc. section of the torture chambers, but Justin still insists on being her torturer. I've had twenty six different people come up here just to see if Damon was around. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I seriously just want some Chinese food.

There's another knock at my door, more hesitant than all the previous.

"If you're looking for Damon, he's not here anymore!" I yell towards my door.

"Uh..no I'm not looking for Damon?" The only way to describe the guy that walks through my door is beautiful.

He's got candy apple green eyes, nice strong jawline, dirty blond hair and is muscled. He's tall too, gotta be right around my height. And there isn't a scar on him

"Oh. Um. How can I help you then?" I set aside the folder in my hand and stand up. We're evenly matched in height.

"Food? I was told to come...bring you..food," he finishes off. His eyes are like meadows.

"Really? Would you like to stay and eat it with me? It looks like there's enough," I smile, or at least try to. It turns out looking more like a grimace.

"Oh, uh, sure, yeah I guess," Mr. Pretty boy was blushing.

"My name is Daniel, by the way," I hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Oh! I know, I'm Shep." He shook my hand and sat down.

I sat across from him in my own chair and started to pull food out. Chinese. I don't know who sent Shep, but they had some very convenient timing.

As we sit and eat I catalog more of his features. He has tan skin, not too dark, but still qualified as tan. Which is strange in itself because every demon I've seen has pale, alabaster skin. He also has the dirty blonde thing going on, and up close it looks more blonde than brown. His eyes are just gorgeous, they seem to hold electricity.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Shep asks me.


"You're looking at me, so?" He brushes his hand across his face twice.

"Oh no, no. I'm just... You don't look like the demons from around here," Now granted I've literally been a demon for four months and all those months I've been locked up or in an office, but every demon that has come here has been pasty.

"That's probably because I'm not a demon," Well that sparked my interest.

"You're not?" Shep shook his head, "Then what are you?"

"I'm a Purgatory Angel," Shep smiles.

Ah fuck.


Alright, so this chapter is short and probably shit but I promised to get one to you guys this week. Shep is that important character I told you to watch out for. He'll be a reoccurring person, and is sorta special. Daniel's powers are also important. But anyways. I'm working hard on this and I'll have a chapter for y'all next week. Until then ~£lijah

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