It's not happening this way.

21 4 0

Daniels POV

Alright so I can't exactly recap right now because there is a man on me. Well, he also has a very sharp knife to my throat. That might be important.

"How about that?" He gently pushes the knife into my throat, "huh? Come on pretty boy. I know you can speak. So talk," He is giant and he is crushing my pelvis.

"Please..." I whimper, "please no."

Nick is in the doorway, I can see him out the corner of my eye. I silently plead for him to intervene.

"Heya, uh, buddy. Why do you have a knife to my friends throat?" Nick takes a step towards us.

The man on top of me tenses and goes rigid. He must not of noticed Nick walk in. I try to shift under him to relieve the pressure on my hips. The knife is pushed further into my throat, finally drawing blood. I wince and speak through my teeth.

"Nick.. Please, don't provoke him," my voice is strangled and with good reason.

"Not trying to Danny boy. Just wanna know why he's here," the man looks towards Nick.

The man says something to Nick in a language that I cannot understand.

"Oh? Really now? How are you going to manage that? I'm here and if you haven't heard, I'm the boss man himself!" Nick shouts and throws fire at the man.

I close my eyes and feel a sharp pain across my throat. There is a warmth spreading down my chest and I realize it's blood.

My blood.

"No!" Nick yells.

"Well my job is done. Good bye Daniel Lachlan. I'll be seeing you very soon," he just disappears. Into thin air.

"Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Nick spins towards me.
"Daniel? Danny I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen. It's not happening this way. It can't happen this way, we were supposed to get another cat. So you had another companion. Oh my me, I'm so sorry," he's pulling the blankets and sheets back. He's being frantic, and I don't want to him to.

I reach for his hands with my own to try and calm him. I try to talk but it just comes out as gurgling sounds of me choking on my own blood.

"Oh Danny. I'm so sorry, I'm- I just-" I don't hear the rest. My vision is going black around the edges and all I can see really is the blood spatter on the wall, it's harder to breath. I'm dying.

And I'm okay with that.


I wake up and the first word out of my mouth is 'Nick'. I'm very disoriented and I don't know where I am. I need to find Nick. I need to know what's happening. I try to sit up and find that my hands and ankles are restrained.

"Hello?! Is anyone there? Hello!" I shout in hopes that someone familiar will come to help me.

"Ah. I see you're awake." A man with horrible scars down his face and neck speaks.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" I pull against the restraints again.

"Don't try that. You'll just hurt yourself. My name is Justin. And I'm here to tear you apart over and over again. For I'm your personal torturer." He finishes.

I thrash and pull and kick. Well attempt to anyways.

"You're in hell dear boy. You died." Justin tells me.

"Satan? Where is he? Tell him Da-" I'm cut off by Justin.

"Oh. I know exactly who you are. He watched you die. He's currently looking for you in the thousands of souls that have came down today," Justin laughs and walks towards me.
"This may hurt a little bit," he drags a blade across my stomach, tearing my shirt in the process.

I refuse to scream. I won't give him that's satisfaction.

"Come on little boy, I know you can scream," He pulls the blade against my stomach again, pushing down harder this time.

I grit my teeth and pull against the restraints, but no noise comes out of me.

"Come on Daniel, scream for me," Justin takes a smaller knife, one the size of maybe an army Swiss knife and plunges it into my chest.

I still don't scream.

My promise to my self last about four hours. I think, time feels weird down here.

After I finally make a noise, a whimper really, Justin digs his fingers into the rather deep cut on my side.

"You feel that Danny? That's me, with my hand wrapped around your intestines. See how much fun we could both be having, if you would just scream? I'll let your insides go, and I'll let you heal." He tugs on my guts.

"Okay! Okay, okay, okay... Just please... Let me... Heal. Then I'll scream all you want... Just please..." My head rolls to the side as he pulls his hand out of me.

"Good boy Daniel. I'll be back later," he disappears into the air.

Another man, a familiar one, pops up while I'm bleeding and looks startled.

"I'm sorry this seems to be the wrong cell," Damon speaks, "looks as if you got Justin," he leans in and looks closely at my cut up face. His eyes widen with realization.
"Daniel? But you aren't supposed to be down here for another... Two years and nine months!" He pulls at the restraints around my wrists. They've been rubbed raw from me pulling.

"Nice to see you too," I spit a mouthful of blood towards him.

"Dammit Justin! He's the only one that can take these off," he looks at me with real fear in his eyes, "how'd you even end up down here so early?" He stops struggling with the straps realizing that they'll never come off. Not by his hand anyways.

"Murder.." I mumble to the best of my abilities.

His hands turn red, like they look aflame.
"Who did it? Do you know?" He looks down at me.

I look at him like he's crazy, I can't answer, my mouth is to swollen.

"It was me. I wanted to play with him early," Justin is standing in the door.

Damon is thrown against one of the walls. Justin didn't even move.

Damon looks at me and I knew he'll look for Nick. He disappears and Justin walks towards me.

"Well little boy, time to play again," I whimper at him. Almost all of my wounds are still open and bleeding.

"Scream, little boy. Scream!" He drives a machete into my side, the hilt hitting my side. The point of the blade coming out the other side of me.

And I do.

I fucking scream.

Hey. So obviously I like causing pain to my characters. Daniel will be okay, eventually. But any ways, it's Wednesday so here is the newest update. I hope you enjoy. See y'all next Wednesday ~Elijah.

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