Wait, what?

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(Disclaimer: I'm only fifteen. Be nice to me)

Let's do a quick recap: I moved out, I was convinced I lost my cat (I didn't), I sold my soul, and I kissed a very attractive person who happens to be a demon. Oh and I think I'm in the hospital. I'm not positive but there is a very annoying beeping sound coming from my right side.

I open my eyes to see, I was right, boring hospital walls with gross hospital food on a tray to my left. There is a nice surprise for me though, Damon is asleep in the chair under the tv. I try to talk, but instead I cough up my lungs. Damon wakes up and looks around all sleepily. He springs out of his chair when he realizes I'm awake.

"Hey," he whispers, "how are you feeling?" I am still unable to talk so I point to the cup I assume is filled with water.
"Oh, yeah, here. Sorry, I didn't realize." He was talking softly which I'm great full for considering my head is pounding. His voice is very soothing and it is very nice to listen to.

"Thank you. Can you tell me why I'm here?" My voice is still raspy. Yeah, that doesn't make me self conscious at all. *eye roll to Mars*

"You, uh, you fainted. After we finished the deal, I started to leave and you fell. Hard. I tried to catch you but I wasn't quick enough, and you wouldn't wake up when I said your name, and I didn't want to slap you because I just don't hit people. So I brought you here and I haven't left. I'm pretty sure I'm out of a job, but I'll find a new one. I was just concerned for your safety," he brought the chair from under the tv to the left side of my bed, he shoved the food out of the way.
"That food is disgusting, by the way. I wouldn't suggest eating it," Damon's voice is all rumble again.

"Thank you for staying. If I would've woken up alone I would've freaked out," I laid my hand on top of his and when he didn't recoil away from me I curled my fingers so I was actually holding his hand.

"Yeah, no problem. I know the feeling of waking up alone and disoriented. It's not nice. I wouldn't want that to happen to you while knowing I could've been here," Damon flipped his hand up so he could link his fingers through mine. We just sit in silence for awhile until my stomach decided to betray me and make noise.

"I'm picking up that you are hungry?" Damon let's out an angel like laugh (ironic isn't it).

"Yeah, a little," I let my own laugh ring freely.

"I'll go get you some food. What do you like?" He gently pulled his hand away from me and stood.

"Chinese. Lo mien specifically, if you could find a good Chinese place?" I smile and hope silently that I get my Chinese.

"Alright. Lo mien, on it. I'll be back soon," Damon left and shortly after his departure there was a cloud of smoke that appeared at the end of my bed.

"AHH! What the-" my heartbeat skyrocketed so fast that a nurse came running in. She didn't see the smoke but the man that emerged out of it.

"Mr. Lachlan? Are you alright?" She checked all my vitals and looked towards the mystery man at the end of my bed, who has yet to talk.

"Who are you? I didn't see you in here earlier. Only Damon has entered and left this room," I could tell right away that wasn't the right thing to say to the man.

"Damon, huh? Well, I'll deal with him. I'm... A friend of Daniels. Flew up from way, way, way under," he held his hand out to the nurse, "Nice to meet you." The nurse didn't shake his hand, instead she turned to me.

"If you want him to leave let me know, and I'll get him outta here," she whispered loud enough do me to hear. Then she left me alone with the mysterious man.

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