Chapter 4 Trial

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I stretched out on the sofa, sitting up as I put my glasses on. For some awful reason I still would wear them after all I missed being human just a little. Turning off the telly, I wandered upstairs noticing the bedroom door open and peaked inside. Lana was sitting in the chair watching Kara dead asleep. The grey color to her skin gave me chills. I could recall the times she would be fast asleep and yet still be alert, though here she was oblivious to Lana and I watching over. In a few moments I wandered over to the bed and examined her for a moment before placing a kiss on her forehead, warm like fire against my skin.

" Come on let her rest we'll chat downstairs." Lana merely nodded before wandering in front of me and heading to the living room where she plopped down on the sofa. I could sense she is wanted to cry, but she was like her mother in being so strong. "Darling your mother is going to be alright..." I sighed and sat down, once again flipping on the telly, taking note that it was only 5 am.

"Dad...she's not the woman you talked about...she isn't...isn't what I pictured." She shrugged before flicking away a tear.

" She is...just right now she's in a lot of pain...she'll be herself again soon it just takes time. We'll figure it out together." I lifted my eyes from my hands as Charlotte and Renab wandered down with Kyle.

"I have a possible idea..." Renab sat down and opened his notebook, very old school of course. "This is the disease through a microscope I then put a drop of human doesn't like human blood because it's weak...vampire blood it by us giving her blood it's making the disease stronger and giving her short term strength... My only idea is that we drain her...give it nothing to feed off of for awhile."

"That could kill her." Charlotte crossed her arms sitting next to Lana and Kyle. "She'll be frozen completely and in more pain than I can even think of..."

"Would you rather her be like this where she cant even move anyways?"

"Then do." All eyes shot to me as I looked to Renab. "What do we have to lose? She'll die if we don't do anything sooner or later. I want my wife back." I sighed as Renab nodded. Before I knew it I got up and took a deep breath before heading to the door. I needed space from all of this mess. "I'll be back." I mumbled before putting on my jacket and going out into the chilly spring morning air. I walked by Audrey's house and continued on trying to calm myself.

For fifteen years I had hidden everything from everyone except Lana. Of course I had dated...slept around...even got serious with Audrey until I learned she was a whore yet I never filled that space. That empty feeling without Kara. No amount of liquor killed that pain.

I made it to the grave yard near by and took a breath kneeling in front of the headstone.

Here Lies Kara Smith
Wife and Friend
Daniel Smith
Husband, Son, and Best Mate
June 8th 1986- August 8 2020

In a swift motion I punched the tombstone as it cracked into pieces, scattering them with each throw. Truth be told the world thought we were both dead. Yet we are far from it. My thoughts were interrupted as two large black suburbans sped by down the gravel road towards the house. I could recognize those plates anywhere. The Authority. In a blur I rushed towards the house through the woods, slipping through the back as I heard car doors open and close, there in the living room sat everyone but Kara, chitchatting and oblivious to the issue outside that was now at the door.

"They're here...." I mumbled as Renab nodded slowly before going to get the door, I sat beside my mother and swallowed the lump in my throat as Martha Hamilton and two new thugs walked in and helped themselves to seats.

"Alright enough where is she? Obviously she's here....her damn daughter's here Dan." Martha sat back and crossed her arms. "I'll tear this place apart if I have to..."

"For what?" I lifted my head looking to see Kara walk down looking exactly like her old self. A leather jacket hugged her frame, tight jeans trailing down to black heels. Her skin didn't show even a hint of grey and she conveyed exactly what she needed to....Power. "I am right here Martha, no need to fuck shit up as always." She took a seat and crossed her legs.

"You've been missing for almost two're lacking black veins though...I expected you to be dead." Martha chimed with a smile and sat back crossing her legs as well. "I was hoping I would really get to play with this new blood of yours." It was always like a trigger when Martha mentioned something about me. In an instance Kara had her pined against the wall, fangs showing and golden hues sparkling.

"If you are testing my strength....I suggest you merely ask than speak of my mate. I would love to kill you, but you are the face of the Authority and I really don't need more vampires showing up at my door today. I have been busy helping Renab in Egypt. You could have visited, but then again you don't like the sun too much....your pale skin would cook like a lobster and that would really not fit your look." Kara let her go and lifted a brow to the henchmen. "You two really suck at your job."

"They know you won't do anything." Martha adjusted her jacket before looking to the door. "We'll my hopes were wrong. Funny enough Franco is still missing....Let me know if you see him." With that Martha snapped her fingers the two men following her to the front door. "Chow."

"Mmm fuck off." Kara huffed sitting down and crossing her arms. We all sat in silence till the sound of trucks driving off. It was then that the mask she was wearing so well broke. "Well that drained enough energy from me for the day." She rubbed her hand along her palm, the veins starting to show under the makeup. "I could smell her from miles away."

"I was surprised you could hid it for that long." Renab watched as she continued to rub off the make up along that back of her hand.

"Yeah...well I wasn't going to lay down like a dog and die."

"That your mum." I mumbled to Lana who gave a slight smile before looking to me then back at Kara.

"Yes...this is your mum..." Kara gave a slight smile before sitting back in the chair and finally relaxing once more. "We need to find Franco..."

"Why he's got the disease too...what would that help?" Renab gave her a questionable look before looking to my mother and father whom were a bit shaken up as always by vampires.

"You said earlier...the disease hates human loves vampire blood...what does it think about a different diseased blood? Maybe the two would cancel out each other and starts eating each other hmmm?" She kicked off her heels before rubbing her eyes. "I heard you wanted to drain me... I am willing to do it...but I won't like it."

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