Flowers For A Ghost

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Flowers For A Ghost By Thriving Ivory

Kara POV

Dan had sentenced me to bed rest for the remainder of the week since I wasn't healing as fast as usual. I knew why, but it was for the best to keep it from everyone, especially Dan, at least for now. Whenever I turned someone I'd grow weaker and well sometimes go a little out of control. I usually had good control, but never had I turned two people at once. I pushed the idea out of my mind and would deal with it as it came. My mind drifted off to thinking of Dan, he was busy with the band anyways so I didn't mind laying around for a little while, but I was growing bored. I sat up and surveyed the damage left by the bullets. Most of the wounds had just become small scabs now, others were still large holes. It was disgusting to me, but Dan cleaned them and checked to make sure they were at least slowly healing. I checked my watch and groaned, only 10 am and already everyone had left the apartment for the day. Kyle had taken Charlotte to band practiced and of course Dan was with them. Slowly I got out of bed and put on some clean clothes, sipping on a blood bag as I got ready and hummed along to Flaws. I put on some flip flops and tucked my phone into my pocket before heading out. At least I was getting able to get some fresh air and none of them could shuffle me back to bed. I was a thousand years old for godsakes! I could handle myself. I walked out of the building, onto the nearby beach, and plopped down into the the sand, letting the tide come up to my feet as I laid down, taking a deep breath to clear my head.

"You know the last time I saw were taking down a city." I opened my eyes and looked to my right, seeing my maker Erik. I blinked a few times and shook my head, already I was losing control. He wasn't be real because it had been centuries since his death. He had a tendency of haunting me whenever I'd saved a life and reminded me of it every time. In the beginning I was always able to tell that he truly wasn't real, though once my sanity started to go so did my sense of reality "You pay the price for saving a life Kara. You gave two men your blood and now they live forever. I've just stopped by to drive you a little crazy is all and bring back the monster I created." He chuckled and put on his sunglasses as I glared at him.

"You've done it before Erik. I've brought myself back from the darkness so you might as well give up." I smirked and closed my eyes again. Inside I was very fearful.

"You have more to lose this time. Charlotte hasn't seen this side of you. The wild and recklace creature. You wouldn't want your little vampire boyfriend to get hurt by your own hands." I growled slightly and tensed up. It was true though.

"You can't hurt me. I have Dan as my anchor." I stood up and looked to where Erik had been before rubbing my face. How was I going to tell Dan about this? That I was going to be fighting myself. No, I wasn't going to tell him. He had a show to preform in two days and I needed to be the least of his worries. I walked off the beach and took a deep breath before walking in search of a coffee shop. This was going to get serious. I just had to make sure I didn't hurt Dan.


Alright I don't know if this was confusing or not, but what is happening is Kara is gonna start going crazy since she's lost so much strength and giving people her blood has consequences. It might get a little crazy!

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