I Can Feel Your Pulse

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Poet by Bastille

Kara POV

We walked home, in no rush since the sunset was just starting to show in the sky. It was nice just walking with Dan in silence, listening to all the wonderful things the forest offered. We'd be heading back to London, I had already arranged for Charlotte and I's things to be packed and shipped over to London. Just our clothing and essential items, like the bikes. All the old artifacts were safe in California and my friend Jesse would dust and watch after the house.

I climbed in the Jeep and smiled at Dan before looking the scenery as he started the truck and began driving. I knew the dangers they would face as a couple, especially being so strong almost like a pack since we had Charlotte and Kyle with us. It was a competition to be as to who is the oldest vampire and since I was up there in age I would always be a target. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and looked over at Dan as he drove. He is my sanity even in all this mess and always would be because I love him.

"You okay beautiful?" He smiled at me, glancing at me for a moment before looking back at the road.

"Just thinking how much I love you."

"Well good cause I have a special evening planned for us and Kyle has one for Charlotte....separately of course. So why don't you get dressed maybe into something a little nicer?" He parks the car outside of our building and smiles. I climb out with Charlotte and head up to our apartment, grinning like a child.

"Do you know what he has planned? I don't know what Kyle has planned." I opened the door and quickly ran off to my room to change into a red dress, not too short, not too bright. I brushed out my blonde locks and slipped on some wedges.

"Not a clue! I'm so excited." Charlotte squealed as she ran by me, looking for her shoes. I rushed downstairs, my breath taken away seeing Dan waiting by the old Mustang and Kyle standing by the Cadillac. I rushed over and kissed Dan softly before taking in his attire. Black jeans that were slightly tight, but looked great on him. Then a white dress shirt, which was a surprise that he even owned one, let alone was wearing one. His hair wild as always, but slightly less than normal. Of course his attire was casual because of the black converses that I sometimes wondered if they were attached permanently to his feet.

"Don't you look the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He speaks, taking my hands and making me blush as he spun me before kissing my lips.

"You are so very handsome this evening and as always." I whispered against his lips making him smile wider. He took my hand and opened the passenger door, helping me into the classic car before closing the door.

"I'm taking you to the most beautiful place in Australia and when we get to London...I have so much to show you." he grinned before leaning his head in the car and kissing me once more before blurring over to the driver side and slipping into the driver seat before putting his sunglasses on since we were driving towards the sunset.

By the time we head reached Melbourne, the city lights were on, making the scenery absolutely breath taking. We pulled up to a skyscraper building, Dan rushing over to help me out after he turned the car off. He tossed the keys to the valet before smiling at me and giving my hand a squeeze.

"This is absolutely amazing." I whispered as I looked around at the front of the building. Once we walked in I was unable to speak. The white marble floors, accents of gold, and the crystal chandeliers made the lobby look as if it was worth millions. Dan pulled me along to the elevator and put a key in, turning it before the door closed and we slowly went upwards. I felt nervous, something that rarely happened to me. Making butterflies come alive in my stomach with each passing second. He squeezed my hand, making me snap out of my daze of worry and look at him.

"You'll love what I have in store for us...at least I hope." I laughed slightly as he did, his other hand rubbing the back of his neck. The doors slowly opened making me turn my gaze away from him to look at what was awaiting us. Fariy lights lit up the terrance over looking the city. A dinner for two set out in the middle and soft music playing that filled my ears. I walked out of the elevator, looking around before smiling at Dan who was running his fingers through his hair. "You like it?"

"Of course Daniel." I smiled blurring over to him and kissing him softly. "This is the nicest thing someone has done for me." I blushed, walking to the table with him and sitting down as he pulled out my chair for me before going to his seat. We dug into the steaks that were waiting for us and enjoyed the red wine with our meal.

"This is the perfect night." Dan said softly looking at me as I looked up from my food, taking my final bite as I blushed. "Would you like to dance?" I nodded before standing and taking his hand as he offered it to me. We stood in the middle of the floor, his hand holding mine, the other on my hip. I placed my hand and my chin on his shoulder, closing my eyes as he hummed along to the song.

"Thank you." I whispered, completely relaxed as we slow danced to the smooth music. He placed his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

"I have one last surprise for you and if I don't give it to you soon I think I might lose the courage." He moved his head from my shoulder as I lifted mine and looked in his eyes with my curious look. He smiled and took me to the edge of the building before carefully picking up a red rose he had hidden behind a brick.

"Kara Jones...I love you more than I thought was possible for someone to love. The day I met you I couldn't take my eyes off you." He got down on his right knee, holding the flower out to me. I looked at it for a moment before noticing the sparkle of a princess diamond ring. "Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Smith?" I didn't realise I was crying as I nodded and Dan stood, slipping the ring on my finger and kissing me softly.

"I love you Dan" I smile and kissed him again before resting my forehead against his. God only knows what dangerous people were watching our happy moment and planning to ruin our happily ever after.

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