Chapter 2

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         "Who was that." Mom asked. I just walked away because I did not want to get the talk about boys again my mom told me the talk about boys like thousand ton of times. My brother can downstairs." Can I go down to the grill?" He asked. Mom shook her head yes, I went to the kitchen and got something to eat,then I went upstairs to get ready for bed.
         When the next day came I felt good about myself I don't why I did but I did, when I got downstairs there was breakfast on the counter with a note that said" have a lovely day I had to go to work early". I went upstairs and got dressed for the day, I put on a skinny jeans with a black t-shirt with high-heel boots.
         My brother came downstairs with a girl, her name is Claire." What is she doing here?" I asked. "Mom knows she is here." He screamed at me. She gave me a mean look and walked to get some eggs. "Knock, Knock." I opened the door it was Zac." Hi Becca, do u want to walk to school with me?" He asked. I shook my head yes.
         As we were walking to school there was a crash and there was blood, all of a sudden Zac eyes turn bloodshot and he had  fangs he turned away and them he looked back." Let's keep going please." He demanded. We walked all the way to school, the cheerleaders were practicing outside and the football players where playing throw because they had a game.
         "Hey Becca." Abbey said." Hey, did u hear about the accident?" I asked. She shook her head yes." Hey girls what's up?, I think Zac loves u Rebecca." Cindy said." I know I just want to tell him how I feel but I just can't." I said. As we got to class the power shut off.
         We got to go home so early I went to Zac's after school, when got to his house he showed me all the rooms and he even made me lunch, as we where talking he said." Becca I like u so much would u go out with me?"he asked" Yes."I said. He grabbed me and kissed me.

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