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Where am I?

I stood up to look where I was at.I only know a few things:
1.My name and country I'm from.
3.Thats about it.

It was cold,very different from where I was from.Yes,My brother Cuba's place is really warm and very nice.I got into an argument with him and ran away......I guess that's why I'm here.

I started to walk around see if anyone was around.Just snow and ice.There were trees,but all pine.


Stepped on a pine cone.Did I not come here with shoes?I mean,back at home I didn't really wear them anyway.

I'm just going to let this freezing snow put me to sleep......

I flopped on the snow and let my hear melt some of it before drifting off into a fit of shivers,and sleep.

Russia's POV

Hmm today seems like a good day for a walk in the woods.

"Ok my Baltics.Ill be back.Make tea!"

I left the house and the Baltics nodded.

The snow was crisp,and the birds were chirping.Yes,another beautiful day in Russia,Da?As I was walking through the forest,I saw a bump.It was covered by snow,but it looked odd.

I walked toward it and poked it for fun.

The bump started moving,then I saw hair.

"Are you a person?"


"You know it's cold out here da?"

"What?Where am I?"

"You are in Russia."

"Are you Russia?"

"Da.You are?....."

"I'm come from Cuba's...."

"You must be a new country then!I have great pleasure smile!Come with me."

"What but I don't...."

"It was joke!You come with me because I found you."

I carried her toward my house and Latvia opened the door.

"Oh my goodness!Mr.Russia why are you carrying a girl?"

"She is a new country."

"Oh where did you find her?"

"Not to far away.In the forest."

I walked in the house and put her on the couch as the Baltics attended to our guest.She started to wake up move again.

Your POV

Where did he take me?I was staring at three different people,faces I've never seen.One was blond,short and had these violet eyes.He was shaking and putting a blanket over me.

The other one was also blond,he wore glasses and had blue eyes.He was serving me tea.

The last one had brown hair,and blue eyes.He was bringing over snacks.

Russia was there too,just sitting across from me,smiling and drinking tea.That smile.....it made me shudder.

"Oh so your up.Good!"

I sat up and the others looked relived.

"So introduce yourselves!"

The nodded,all of them shaking uncontrollably.The short blond one stepped forward.

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