Добро пожаловать домой....

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I had a restless sleep last night.Im still tired,so I didn't move when I woke up. I just stared at the ceiling.It was blurry,the rays of sun not helping me in the slightest.

I called Russia and said I was coming to this meeting,but to not tell my boss,I was being rebellious.

It was early so I could get it out the way for now.I got dressed,ate something and bathed.Ok time for the break!

I ran out the back of my house into a forest,I ran and ran,eventually getting to some snow.I saw the bridge that I found Lithuania under and smiled knowing I was almost there.

When I did find the house I skipped up to the door and knocked on it.


It was Lithuania and he hugged me on sight.I welcomed the hug,being that it's been a while since I was kicked out.

Russia soon appeared behind us and told Lithuania to go make some tea for us.He gave me a cold dead look and then asked for me to come inside.

I gulped and hesitantly went in.I took a seat across from him and I saw Latvia and Estonia wave to me from their room so I waved back.They seemed worried about something.

After Russia finished sipping on his tea,he looked at me again,chuckled and then looked again.Was something funny or is he remembering something?

"So (C/N)....did I tell you why I kicked you out?"

"Well no,I dodged your attack and then you said for me to leave."

"Well.....your just....not as scared...as my other Baltics....and your so commanding and stuff...."

He lowered his head while saying that like it hurt his pride to say it.I was shocked.Thats why I was kicked out?

I mean like I'm very happy he said I was commanding and that I don't seem scared of him.Even though I am scared of him,I don't show that.

"Well um Russia....It's because I think of most people as my friend and-.......Russia?"

He was crying when I said friend.

Latvia stood up and wiped his tears away saying that it's all right.

For someone who is always open about how he feels,this made him feel better I guess.

"I'm sorry...(C/N)..."

"Wait don't be sorry it-"

"Добро пожаловать домой....(C/N)..."'
"Remember I-"

"Welcome home....."

I smiled so fast and I felt Estonia hug me,sobbing tears of joy into my shoulder.

"Wait really?Russia?"

He smiled while looking down and nodded yes.

Latvia and Lithuania glommed me next tears filling their eyes.

I covered my mouth and tears of  joy started pouring out,and looked down at my Baltic buddies.

We stayed on the couch hugging and tearing up for a while,I forgot how long.

We were just so happy to be reunited again.

Time skip brought to you by Le tears~

I got settled in again and we had celebratory drinks to commend our little crew we have here.

Well accept for Latvia,he's 17 so he just went to sleep early.Poor baby.

We all smiled,laughed and told jokes till we couldn't stay awake no more and fell asleep next to each other.I rested back to back with Lithuania,and Estonia slept on the side of us,on the couch.

I awoke at the middle of the night,slowly dragging my body to the room to sleep in my bed.I saw Latvia in his box,curled up and smiling in his sleep.

It melted my heart to see him happy,and not shaking in fear of the next day.I laid down next to his box and pulled a cover off my bed and slept next to him for the night.

On that night my beloved Baltics and I slept peacefully,just too excited to be reunited again.It seems I did actually miss them....

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