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"Hey bro!I need some advice!"

"Back again are you?What is it this time?"

My brother was sipping on coffee and staring out off the balcony of his house.

"Well I want some advice on....*sigh* allies?"

He turned to me and closed his eyes,still looking at me though.

"Look as long as you aren't America's or Russia's  then is whatever."

Some sweat dropped as I forgot he doesn't know that I live with Russia.He thinks I just live with the Baltics.

"Oh no don't tell me you actually made FRIENDS with those idiots!"

"Well didn't you work with Russia?ALOT?"

"I know and I hated it!You went and became friends with him!I can't even believe you right now...."

Sometimes I want to punch him in the face SO bad but I contain my anger unlike him.

"Well then who should I be friends with?Tell me then."

"Canada is my top pick.He is nice and isn't annoying like most other countries."

Canada?Isn't he just America's little brother?

"Fine I'll chat with him."

"There you go.He'll probably get some manners into you too."

"I get it from you."

He snickered at this and I was on my way to Canada for a friendly chat.

I have a bad feeling he's just another pretty boy like Estonia.I mean he's not too annoying I can deal with him it's just....blogs....*shudder*

Time skip brought to you by...Who?

Ok I got to Canada's place,it legit looks like a cabin in the woods.Well it's not in the woods but it looks nice.

I knocked on the door and waited for a little just looking around at the scenery.

"Oh hello who are you?"

"Oh I'm (C/N),Cuba's younger sister?He told me to talk with you."

"Uh ok.Come in!I can get you some coffee if you would like...."

His voice was quite,it's hard to believe my brother used to mix him up with America.They look similar but they act completely different.

He made some coffee and I watched his cute polar bear sleeping on the couch,so I didn't bother him.Im not one for cute things but it's too adorable for me.

"Here you go eh."

The coffee tastes nice even though I usually don't drink it.He gave me some cookies too.Not chocolate chip but it's fine.

"So uh what did he want us to talk about?"

"Well just to know each other I guess."

"Oh ok....."

"So Canada,how is it being in the G8?"

"It's ok.....not too exciting."

Lithuania's POV

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