Short lived Past to a long Future

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It's been a week now since you have left Russia's house,and you were both glad and sad about leaving.You missed the Baltics,they were like family to you......Even though you aren't.

Russia's POV

Its been a week now and things have calmed down since (C/N) left.The Baltics want her back,I don't know why.But she spells trouble,being young and all.Kind of reminds me of America......

Lithuania's POV

(C/N) has been gone for a whole week now,and I don't think she is coming back....I miss her but Mr.Russia says that (C/N) was going to be a trouble maker because she is young,but she didn't cause trouble!She was kind and we liked her.......Wait,What?

Estonia's POV

I know she read my blogs,but I haven't been posting as many.....I don't know why something is missing without
(C/N).Yes she seemed to hate me but she was nice as well.I told Finland about her and she wants to make me stay in the Baltics.....

Latvia's POV

Waaaahhhhhh!Where is (C/N)!Its been like a week now and Mr.Russia isn't letting her back in our house!This sucks!(C/N) was nice to us and was way nicer than Mr.Russia can ever be......Why can't we just go live with Germany!

Your POV

It's already been a week and I've been living in my brother's house in Cuba for the time being.I feel.....lonely oddly enough.I miss those quirky guys,the Baltics.Stupid Russia.....He seemed compelled to let me leave though.

He had a sadness in his eyes I've never seen from him before.Why was he so sad to let me go?

Also I feel like I let my fellow Baltics down.....leaving them trapped there like that....Its a weird feeling.

I'm making my way over to my country tomorrow to see how it's doing.Im going to check on how it's going over there,see the progress.Plus the towns people are always happy to see me.

One day later~

Today I received a letter from Russia,hooray.I really don't want to open it,maybe it's a war declaration?Oh well.I save it for later in the day.

I went outside to see the daily lives of my people,I'm so proud of them.One thing I'm always seeing more and more,are people going swimming.We live by an ocean so it makes sense,but some of these kids will dive down and come up with a small fish!

They are crazy,but I adore them for being brave.

I just walked around and went to a candy shop by my house.This is why I love my country,we all love our sweets!

I was walking back and an old lady started talking to me.

"Ahh the young.....when is it that you are getting married honey?"

I froze and my face started getting red.

"Umm I don't know.....Uhh....."

"*chuckles*Im just"

She handed me a bag of flour for me to take home and make dumplings......Why do old people always joke about getting married?Half the time they are serious!

I went home and saw the letter sitting on the counter and I just ignored it.Call me a procrastinator but food comes first.

Ok dumplings made now the letter.I put the plate of dumplings on the table in front of the couch and laid down opening the letter.

'Hi!Its Russia......I know that I told you to leave.But.....My Baltics haven't been the same.They seem depressed.Well I'm inviting you to a meeting to discuss some things if you want to come.Bye!'

A meeting with Russia?He put an address at the bottom.I called my boss to ask him for help on this one.

"Hey boss?Russia just invited me to a meeting!Do I go?"

"What?Russia?Didnt you leave his house on bad terms last week?Last week?"

"Yeah I did so I called you for advice and-"

"Advice?No your not going!Thats a death trap!He is going to catch you off guard and trample you.And this is not advice but an ORDER.Your not going!Are you mad?And-"

He went on and on for about 30 whole minutes saying why I shouldn't go to the meeting.I love random lectures,they are the best*sarcasm*and I hope to get them more often.

I hung up at the thirty minute mark and went to bed.Man call me rebellious cause I'm going tomorrow.Screw the rules.

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