Two differnt stories

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Estonia's POV

We got a letter from (C/N) today,saying that she was fine.It said that she escaped to her brother,but she is forced to stay there with him for a while.

That's a relief!I thought she would be kidnapped....She did get away from us but it's not like we could do anything.

Ever since then,Lithuania has been carrying a pistol on him,just incase.

I've been active on my blogs,people need to know my beauty that will never grow old!

Half of the people that comment on my blogs are asking about (C/N) and what my relationship with her is like.

All I said is that I really don't know,because half the time I feel like she hates me.

Latvia's POV

I got news from Lithuania that (C/N) is alright,just staying at her brother's for some time.Well as long as she is safe,then I'm ok.I can't help but worry about her a little though,she is precious to us.

Hey I'm actually learning from her!I made some festivals and they tasted pretty good.Her's are better but even Mr.Russia said they were good.

I kind of just want her back here,it feels like something is missing.She just kind of brought all of us together,like a seal.

Well she is in somewhere she is quite fond of now so it should be fine right?

Lithuania's POV

Estonia told me that (C/N) was ok,and that just lifted all of the my shoulders!I told Latvia and he was ecstatic about it,making festivals to celebrate.

She is just staying at her brother's for a while,it's probably a protective thing.Well as long as she is safe then it should be fine,I hope she will visit soon.

Your POV

I got to know Oliver and Flavio a bit more,and tomorrow Flavio is going to get more clothes for me.Well because I can't leave,he's just going to get them for me.

"Hey do you guys have any family?If you don't mind me asking...."

I was eating dinner with them,and we were just making small talk.

"Well yeah.My brother Luciano doesn't know I'm here but he's younger than me.He doesn't have as much as a fashion sense,and he kind of despises me."

"Yeah my brother is the fu-....PERSON I know as Matt.He always try's to act tough but he really isn't,I could beat him any day."

Allen was trying really hard not to curse,Oliver was pointing at the swear jar on the counter.

"Oliver are you related to anyone?"

"Well no sadly,but I consider Allen family!You too poppet,we consider you family."

I smiled at that.He considers Allen family,how cute!I mean not cute.....I don't like cute things!Allen gave him a  blank look and Oliver smiled at him.

"Anyway,do you have a family?"

"Well my brother's name is Carlos,and he is a bit overprotective at times but he's nice to have around."

"Oh look at the time!You should probably to to sleep soon,you need your beauty rest poppet!"

"Yeah I guess so.Good night guys."

I excused myself from the dinner table and went upstairs to my room,shutting the door.This experiment might not be so bad.The pillow was still moved from earlier so I decided to write a little entry in the diary.No,it's a journal,not a diary,stupid feminine side of me.

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