The threaten

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I woke up on the floor,in the bedroom and tried to move around.I hit my head on the box next to me,waking up Latvia.

"Oh good morning (C/N)....wait why are on the floors?"

"Don't remember....but hey want breakfast?"

"That would be nice."

I stood up and stretched,still in my military clothes from yesterday and went to the kitchen.Estonia and Lithuania were still sleeping so I just let them be.

Latvia got out the room and went outside to check the mail and I made oatmeal for us.I mean it warms you up and it's always cold here so it's perfect.

"What's that wonderful smell of cinnamon?"Said Estonia waking up.

"Oatmeal.Eat up!"

I placed a bowl in his lap and woke up Lithuania and did the same.

"Hey (C/N) something came in the mail for you from your country."

"Oh ok.Here eat your oatmeal."

We basically traded the food and the mail and I opened the letter.It should be from my boss for 'disobeying orders'.Expected.

Ok time to see-WHAT?

I frantically looked at the letter and what it said:

'Hello (C/N) I see you have disobeyed orders again.So we are too.We are going to declare a civil war breakout against your people if you do not return to your designated post.'


So now I have a choice?Here or hell?

A civil war?Doesn't he love my people like I do?Ok I have to play it off for Latvia and the others though....
Latvia was looking my direction when I was reading it and saw my expression,so he must be curious.

"Hey guys I have to go back to my country to do something for a little ok?"

"Oh ok.Don't get ok?"Said Estonia washing the bowls.

"Yeah don't sweat it."

And I left the house.Some sweat dropped when I did close the door,but then it faded away from me sprinting to my freaking post or that means my bosses office.

It was a huge building in a pretty big city near the little village I decided to live in.When I did get there I was wheezing and had trouble catching my breath.

I knocked on the door to the office and put my hands on my knees to take a few deep breaths.

Before it opened I stood up straight and made myself look as professional as possible.

One of the guards opened the door and then my boss told me to take a seat.

I did and started playing with my thumbs until he responded.

"(C/N).You disobeyed orders.Again.How am I going to trust you now?"

"Well sir I made terms better with Russia."

"That doesn't matter!Your brother is Cuba no?Then you were already on good terms!They used to work together!"

I lowered my head like I was wrong this whole time and I'm supposed to be ashamed of myself.

"Our should try to become friends with someone to teach you some manners!Like Japan."

"Sir he's kind of too quiet though.With the culture of my people it wouldn't fit properly."

He got up from his chair and smacked me across the face.The pain started to boil on my face,making tears come out to soothe my burning cheek.

After that day,the word got out.

People were furious!They were starting riots around the country and I was at the center of it all.The people felt as if the government controlled them,and I feel that way too.

After some months passed,he called me into his office again.A guard didn't open the door this time.He just said come in.

I sat down and looked at my boss with confidence in my bones.He was rubbing his temples and looked frustrated about something.He handed me a letter and then dismissed me.

'(C/N).You've proven to me that the people do matter.But the madness has to stop.Make the people stop the rioting or else I will be forced to attack them with force.If you leek this out to the people I shall just obliterate them myself.'

*Meanwhile when you were reading*

"Now that she's gone...."


"Sir.I have given the letter."


"Ok then Marker sir."

*Hangs up*


I didn't stop the riots.I encouraged them.Even if it meant fighting our government.

'I bet I could do their job better!'

I wrote to the Baltics everyday to tell them about what's going on and they write back too.Its a daily routine now after the riots started.

I went to sleep quickly today,wanting to keep our little victory in my head.We got this!

The next day~

I woke up to the sound of yelling.

I put on my military clothes and grabbed a gun from the back room and stormed outside.

I came out just in time to a tank shell blasting into the building next to me,crumbling down.

"We are under attack?By who?"

People were running,screaming,crying for their lives and making there way to who knows where.I squinted my eyes and saw on the side of the tank my flag.

Ok so it's my boss.This will be my countries first civil war,and I'm going to need help.

I tried to evacuate everyone out the village and cites toward Estonia,he shouldn't mind in this situation I'm in.

After the tanks finished destroying the village,I came out of my hiding spot and scavenged the village for anyone left behind.

I heard a faint help coming from the road I live on so I ran.I saw movement!


It was the old lady that gave me flour.
She was trapped under a wall that crashed on her.Breathing but barely.


I yelled out trying to pry bits and pieces of the wall off of her but failing.Eventually some towns people came and helped the lady out from under the wall......but it was too late.

She bleed out.

I fell to my knees and cried toward the sky,my hands on my legs,trembling.

She was one of three casualties that day.

My house was destroyed so I went back to the Baltics,late at night.I unlocked the door and dragged my sorry ass to the bedroom,not disturbing the others as they slept.

I grabbed some night clothes and took a long bath to collect some thoughts from today.These casualties were going to be the first of many,I knew a this my fault?

And my bosses actions,why were they so sharp on such little things?I need some serious help.


Ok that's a nice place to end the chapter.Ok who do you think Marker is?Who is helping our country?

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