When Russia is gone

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I watched as soon as Russia closed the door,Estonia ran to the room sparkles following behind him.Latvia sat down and watched TV,and Lithuania called someone.

I asked Latvia what they were doing and he explained.

"Well since Mr.Russia isn't here,we don't have to obey him!So we do what we want for now."

"Oh ok."

"Don't you have something you want to do (C/N)?"

"Yeah I need to tell my brother I'm ok."

I went into the room to see Estonia on his laptop,eyes sparkling, as he rapidly tapped on his key board.

I grabbed my military clothes,ran to the bathroom to change and put my night clothes on my bed and sped out the door.

I ran so fast to that airport it wasn't even funny.

Ok I need a ticket to Cuba.....ok...but we stop off in America.Good enough.

I board the plane,and take a window seat,waiting for this thing to take off.

"Oh (C/N).Going somewhere?"

I froze hearing Russia's voice and then eased up as he sat next to me with that smile on his face.

"Oh hey Russia.I was just going to see my brother.He hasn't seen me for a while so......"

I watched an aurora build up around him,but then it just stopped.He looked sad,the smile wiped off his face.

"I see.My sisters....Ukraine and Belarus......"

"It's ok I know about them."

He looked at me again with a kind of angry face and I started shaking,the aurora building up around him.



I was so scared of him because I didn't have any sort of weapon on me.And Estonia mentioned getting hit by his magic metal pipe of pain so......

"How do you know.Anything.About my sisters?Kolkolkolkolkolkolkol........."

Oh crap I made him angry!Umm

"Well they live pretty close to me,and uh...."


"Well Umm....AMERICA TOLD ME."


"Yeah he talks about who is it Belarus a lot......"

"Ok.Thank you (C/N).He will suffer for his stupidity."

He went back to smiling in space and a wave of relief came over me and I sighed.That was a bit too close.We were silent for the entire time and the plane ride went by quick.

I waved Russia goodbye and got on another plane,this one to Cuba.There aren't many airports in Cuba,but that's how my brother wants it.

I walked out the airport into that familiar heat that I loved and started looking for my brother.Knowing him he was at the bridge we always go to,to get shaved ice.

I ran over to the bridge,and saw him there gazing over the water.

"Hey brother!Guess who is here to saw hi!"

He turned to me and waved,smiling for once.

"Hey!How is the cold?"

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