🎶🎵Moscow Moscow🎵🎶

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It took some time to get my country back up on its feet again.Me going pale was actually a sign of it dying,but that's in the past now.I took care of the Baltics with Russia helping out Lithuania the most.His leg was broken but it has set and healed properly.

Latvia has some bruises on him and the same for Estonia.Since they were healing I was doing most of the things for Russia.Like Lithuania's paper work and getting tea for him.Estonia asked for help with his blogs which I immediately refused.

Latvia actually had slept in his bed for a few nights before going back to sleeping in his security box.But everything was starting to go back to normal...Including me!

"Latvia can you pass me a towel?"

"Yeah sure."I wrapped it around me and walked out the bathroom to get dressed.For what?Well Russia's sisters are coming here later so I have to make sure I look my best right?

Russia told us to dress up so I have to wear a dress...bleh.I started to get dressed and I looked in the mirror.Maybe I have to do this a bit more often...I thought I looked like a potato at first but...No it's just me.

I walked out toward the kitchen to see Russia of all people cooking."Oh hello (c/n).You out on the dress like I asked!It gives me great pleasure smile!"He was stirring something in a pot that smelt pretty darn good.

"What are you making?"I walked up next to him and looked in the pot."Borscht.My older sister likes it a lot so I decided to make some for all of us."Aww that's nice.It doesn't look too bad either,so I can't wait to eat.

I heard a door open so I turned away from Russia toward the bedroom.Estonia was just walking out and..."Estonia,you look handsome."

"Come on,this is the skin of a ladykiller (c/n)~."He chuckled afterward and I saw Lithuania and Latvia walking out as well."(c/n) you look pretty in that dress!"Latvia said earring him a slight glare from Estonia."Oh thanks!But I think we should set the table."

With a nod we all got to it and I looked over to see Russia frantically making g a bunch more dishes.I would ask him what they were,but that aura was around him and I don't dare to go near him.

*Knock knock*

That must be them.I opened the door and saw Ukraine and Belarus standing there."Hello (c/n)!"Ukraine said happily.I let them in and it was like one big reunion.

"Big brother!"Belarus clung onto Russia almost immediately even though he was still cooking.I stood off in the corner talking with Lithuania and Estonia since Latvia went to go talk with Ukraine."Its nice to see everyone in good spirits around here."

"Of course!Hey did you guys We what Russia was cooking?It looks tasty."At that moment we all looked over at Russia dumping an entire bottle of vodka into the pot."Just to give it some kick."I heard him say...I feel like if we even take a sip we are going to need some water.

"Well...I think I should go help out with serving the food..."Lithuania said walking off to the kitchen.Now suddenly I was left with a rather awkward Estonia and...conversation...
"Do you think we'll get drunk if we eat the soup?"

He nodded slowly looking over at the chaos in the kitchen.Belarus was hissing at Lithuania who was trying to stop Russia from putting any more vodka in it....What a scene."Ok everyone!Dinner is ready!"Russia yelled out.

Everyone rushed to the table and took a seat leaving the head for Russia.He was serving and I'm going to be honest...everything looked great.After pouring out the glasses of water...thank goodness...He cleared his threat to get everyone's attention.

"I would like to propose a toast?"We all grabbed our glasses and waited for the words."УРА страну!"

"в странах!"I really tried to say it right because I haven't brushed up on my Russian,I don't know what we are toasting to.Since Estonia was sitting next to me I asked him quietly."Esti!What did we toast to?I didn't catch it."

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