Chapter 10

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Ladybug's pov
When I saw Cat almost get shot by a goblin I was in a panic I used my powers to distract the goblin long enough for Cat to destroy it with his Caraclysim.

"Next time you want to see a goblin up closer use your stick as a fetch toy and it worn't eat you!!" I said a bit still shaken at the thought of the arrow going straight through Cat.

"Relax,seesh I'm fine thanks to these powers I'm alright,"he smirked"but it's nice to think that my bugaboo was worrid about me."

I looked at him not in the mood for his jokes and turned away.
"Ha ha ha serouisly calm down I'm alright and I'll prove it,"he said as leaned in towards me and kissed my cheek making me blush.

"Shouldn't we be getting back,"I said and we went back throw tje worm hole.

Adrien's pov
We got back and our transformation wore off but I could feel we were being watched.

The next day at school people were staring at us not like the way the usually would in jealosy but in a suspicious way.

Alya,Marinette's friend ran up to us." Is it true that you guys are super heroes and your hide out is a secret room in the Eiffel tower??"she asked.

"What are you talking about?" Marinette protested. Alya then dragged us to the class room and pushed us through a crowd of people straight to Lila.

"Oh hi Adrien,"she said in an innocent voice as she blushed and played with her fingers.

"Hi...I hear there're some rumers about Marinette and I being superheroes,"I said as I glared at her.

I could sense she knew very well I didn't like what she did or her for the matter and she surrendered.
"Oh Adrikins I'm sorry I just thought that since you were too modest I would give you some credit," she blushed as she leaned closer to me.

I backed away. "Credit for what?" I asked.

"For what you did last night, you came by my house when you saw me crying on my balcony.
You lifted my chin and asked me why I was crying I told you and you lifted my chin and kissed me and said"meet me at my hide out, the Eiffel tower....Princess and by the way I'm Adrien."

" That very moment Marinette called your name."Adrien!!"and you left but before you did you said,"sorry have to go Marinette's calling me," and that was it"

I was in shock what a liar I never did anything like that. I don't care what I have to do but I'm not letting her tell such lies. Sure we were superheroes but she hand no right to switch around the story.

Lila's pov
He'll do anything to protect Marinette and now that the secret's out he'll have no choice than to go along with the story and date me and show me all his new secrets.

He opened his mouth to speak but said something I did not expect.

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