Chapter Two: Familiar Faces

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About two weeks later the trio was all settled in their new home and had started living life normally. Ava however, was off to a rough start. She was having a lot of trouble keeping up with her workload. The work only piled on higher and higher and she was horribly stressed.

One morning she finally hit her limit and snapped. "UGGGGHH!!" Ava shouted.
Her desk was covered in unorganized papers and she was over it all.

Leah walked in concerned, She hated seeing Ava like this. "What's going on in here?" Leah asked, walking up behind Ava's chair.

"Baby this is becoming too much. The work load is becoming unbearable. It hit me out of nowhere." Ava answered.

Leah started massaging Ava's shoulders and kissing down the back of her neck to help her relax. "Baby this job was your dream. You've finally made it. Of course it may be a lot tougher than you thought it would be, but you've been working towards this for years. You were fully prepared for this, that's why they chose you. Get organized and just focus. Just because it's a lot doesn't mean it'll over power you. You can get this done".

Ava looked into Leah's eyes and without saying a word she gave her a kiss. "Thank you Lee. I'd be so lost without you." Leah blushed and pulled Ava out of her seat. "Come on you need a break! Lets go get breakfast." Leah demanded.

So they did. The trio headed to IHOP to take Ava's mind off of everything. When they were seated and looking over the menu, Gianna decided to be straight up with the couple, "Okay you two lets cut the crap. I know you have questions about Dantè. Spit them out."

Ava and Leah's eyes met and they stared at each other for second, as if they were reading each others minds. After a short moment of silence they broke out in a game of rock, paper, scissors. "ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS! SHOOT!" They shouted at once. Leah took the victory by beating Ava with rock over scissors.

Right after Leah asked Gianna, "Is his dick still big?" Gianna's face lit up. "GIRL IS IT? Whoever took his virginity taught him well because honey child, I don't even have words." She answered. The girls continued laughing and discussing Dante's junk as Ava got up from the table to answer a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Long time no speak."

Ava's heart stopped. The voice sounded too much like her own. She immediately walked out to continue the conversation outside.

"How did you get my number Lex?"

It was her twin sister who, in the previous years, had made love to her fiancé Leah and attempted to make her fall in love with the wrong twin.

"Repeat that question Ava. You asked me "How". Doesn't that bother you? I shouldn't have to track down my own sister." Alexis said angrily.

"Well you did and you shouldn't have. We're doing just fine without you. We needed to get away."

Alexis laughed, "We're twins. We'll never be separated completely. Just come home."

"HELL NO." Ava yelled.

"Why not? Your niece wants to meet you."

Ava was speechless, "My what?"

"Your niece. Tania and I adopted her when you guys left. She's turning 8 and i would love for you guys to come to her birthday party. Please." She begged. "Its been 3 years, The past is completely behind us."

Ava knew she would regret this but it was her sister, she knew she needed to see her. " Mmm, okay fine." Ava agreed. "Only 3 days and Gianna is bringing her boyfriend."

"Fine. See you soon." Alexis chuckled hanging up the phone.

Ava headed back inside nervous. She had no idea how she was going to break the news to the duo awaiting her inside.

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