Chapter Five: True Colors

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Leah and Alexis sat there at the table in dead silence. There was so much tension in the air it felt as if they were inhaling it, their faces showed disappointment.

"I really tried Lex. I wanted tonight to be almost perfect." Leah said apologetically.

"At least you tried... Its my fault for expecting the same from everyone else." Alexis responded.

"I still don't want this food to go to waste though!"

They both laughed and decided to enjoy dinner as just the two of them.

"How's married life?" Alexis asked Leah.

"Its fun but sometimes it feels like I'm living in with siblings. Ava is the big brother and then Gianna and I are the annoying little sisters. Hows yours?"

Alexis got quiet; She almost choked on her food. "Well, I'm still legally married." she responded sarcastically.

Leah knew something was way off.
"Aww shit! Story time!" Leah said running to the kitchen. She grabbed two short glasses, a bottle of Ciroc, and a bag of chips. Leah sat there on the kitchen floor. "Come sit! Just like old times!" She demanded Alexis.

Alexis simply laughed and followed instructions.

"Okay. Is it lipton tea? herbal tea? unsweet tea? Spill it bitch." Leah asked while pouring them both a shot.

Alexis didn't even hold back, She trusted Leah with her life. "She's cheating on me."

Leah froze for a second.
"... Okay fuck these damn glasses." She took her shot straight to the head and another off the bottle. "What do you mean she's cheating on you?? You two have a child."

"Exactly! Ever since we adopted Olivia, She changed. Its with a man too."

"So you know who he is?" Leah asked

"No. I don't know a real name or what he looks like. I know its a man because all her messages come to my phone and he's sent several pictures and videos of her sucking his dick. He doesn't even live here he lives in San Diego."

Leah was confused. "If you don't know his name what does she call him? and How do they see each other?"

"He goes on business trips. Sends her plane ticket money and they meet up. In the mean time, he sends her 5,000 a month just because..."

Leah cut her off before she could even finish.
"5,000?? A month?? Is he a drug lord? What the hell??"

"He's a travel surgeon like my sister. Plus he inherited 6 million off his grandparents on both sides of the family. 3 million from each."

Leah was amazed at the money but even more amazed at how much Alexis invested into this. "Damn, you really did your research."

Alexis laughed. "Nah, they just tell each other everything! He know all about me. I know every trip they take together but I still don't know this mans name. She calls him bubba."

A bell went off in Leah's head. She just peeped some major shit but couldn't say much, so she played it cool.

"Okay well, enough about this depressing stuff." Leah said, changing the subject. "I don't know about you but I'm trying to get faded. So lets play a game. 21 questions. Yes or No questions only. Every time we answer the question with a Yes then we take a shot from our glass. If its a No then we take one of the bottle."

Alexis reluctantly accepted the challenge but after a few drinks time had flew. Before either of them realized, it was midnight and they were having an amazing time. Their sides were hurting from drunk laughter and they had completely forgotten about their spouses. The more shots they took the more things got personal.

"I can't believe you actually went through with adopting Nevaeh. She's so beautiful." Leah said

"Isn't she? You think you'll ever tell Ava our dirty little secret?" Alexis asked.

"Shut up! Its not dirty. I don't think I will ever have the balls to. I feel like it would hurt her. She doesn't need to know any of my secrets. Especially not what I told you."

"My lips are sealed." Alexis responded. "Even better question, who fucked better?"

Leah could not hold in the laughter. "Between who and who?" she asked, afraid of the answer.

"Me and My sister!" Alexis said. She sat back and took two shots to the head, excited for her response."

"I mean we fucked so long ago! Its a little hard to compare." Leah answered.

Alexis moved in closer. "You think you might need a little reminder?" She kissed Leah's shoulder gently.

"Yes daddy, I do." Leah answered. She kissed Alexis with no hesitation she had completely forgotten what mattered but at that moment, nothing mattered.

They kissed for about 30 minutes straight. Alexis began to part Leah's legs and helped herself to dessert. Alexis slowly unbuttoned Leah's shirt, kissing all over her body. Right when she had made her way down to Leah's dripping pussy, She felt Leah's fingers run through her hair, gripping her curls tight. Leah snatched Alexis' head back and licked her neck from the base all the way to her ear slow. Then she whispered "Lay back... I wanna ride your face."

The feeling of Leah's breath caressing her ear sent chills down Alexis' spine. She did as she was told.

Leah stood up over her and dropped her panties to the floor. She moved closer than slowly sat her pussy down on Alexis' lips. Leah immediately felt her tongue penetrate her tight pussy. Leah let out a loud gasp but then remembered she had to watch her moans, there was a child right down the hall.

Leah really wanted to be mindful but Alexis made it hard! She put up a good fight until Alexis started sucking on her clit like a jaw breaker. That was her favorite spot; She just couldn't hold it in.

Leah realize she had gotten a little too loud when she heard a small pitter patter of feet come walking down the hall.
"Mommy?" Olivia called. "I can't sleep."

Leah took off. She ran straight to her and her spouses room and locked the door.

Alexis carried Olivia back to her room and laid with her until she had fallen asleep.
She made a clean get away from Olivia's room but when she checked her phone it was 1:30AM! There was no way Leah was still awake. Alexis also noticed a text Leah sent her. It read:
"I'm sorry. I'm really drunk and I'm not thinking straight. I didn't mean to lead you on, but we both know continuing that was a bad idea. Plus its getting late, everyone will be home soon. Never speak of this again. Night lex."

"Fuck!!" Alexis grunted under her breath.
Disappointed and horny, Alexis went on to bed.

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