Chapter Seven: Ticking Time Bomb

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Leah sat there in the living room, lifeless.
She showed absolutely no emotion on her face.
Everyone tried to get her to talk, She wouldn't even open up to the police. Leah felt as if she had lost the other half of her heart. She was infuriated because no one would wanted her to go to the hospital. The tears wouldn't stop falling. Although, seeing Alexis in handcuffs gave her a little relief, nothing could numb this pain.

Olivia was sitting on the stairs, staring at her mother being questioned by police. She was like Leah, she showed no emotion. Poor girl had the emptiest look on her face. She started playing with the gift Ava had bought her, a bow an arrow set. Yes it was a toy but it seemed much more than that to Olivia. She focused as if she had been trained for it. Leah watched her shoot 3 bullseye's in a row. Olivia's eyes met hers as if she was trying to speak to her telepathically. This woke Leah up. She sat up, still silent, but she started plotting. Gathering her thoughts, Mentally preparing herself for what felt like war. Leah lives for revenge, and she wasn't holding back this time.

Dante had sent Leah a text saying:
Gianna's okay. They removed the bullets just in time. She won't be able to walk for a few days but she should recover just fine. She's awake now, should I tell her to call you?

Leah replied:
No. I'll be by to see her later. We have much to discuss. Just call me as soon as Tania and the twins leave the hospital. No joke Dante.

Dante replied:
I got you. What made them decide to come?

Leah replied:
Me. We'll talk later.

As soon as she sent that text, Leah powered her phone off. The police were leaving right on time.

"I think you guys should go to." Leah announced to everybody in the room.

"We're not leaving you here alone, Dante is looking after her." Ava responded.

"I'll be here with Olivia. I'm not selfish enough to harm myself around a child. Please go, all of you, for me. She needs to know she has a support system and I can't handle it right now." Leah pleaded. "You owe her an apology anyway Alexis."

The three exchanged looks. Agreeing in silence.
"I'll be in the car" Tania said walking out the door. Alexis followed.

Ava kissed Leah on the forehead. "Stay strong princess."

Leah grabbed Ava and whispered in her ear
"Turn your ringer on and leave it. Wait for instructions. I love you."

Ava was too confused to ask any questions but she did it anyway.

Minutes later, Leah watched the car leave from a window to make sure they were gone.
When the coast was clear, She sat Olivia down for a very serious talk.
"How much do you know?" Leah asked her.
Olivia smiled. "Everything." She answered.

Tania and the twins arrived at the hospital about 20 minutes later. When they got to the room, Gianna was a mess. She wouldn't lay down and rest, She was refusing medication, Screaming at every doctor. Once she saw Ava walk in without Leah she completely panicked.

"Where the fuck is she? Who said she couldn't come?" Gianna asked.

"I did. She wouldn't've been able to handle seeing you like this." Ava answered.

"Like what? I'm fine! You see that!"

"How was I supposed to know? Gianna you just got shot, I expected you to be in bad condition."

"Its called call and ask asshole. I need her right now. Speaking of getting shot why is she here?" Gianna asked, directed towards Alexis.

"I wanted to see you Gianna." Alexis answered.

"Not here as in the hospital, Here as in why aren't you in jail?" Gianna asked.

"Long story. I'm really here to say I'm sorry." Alexis answered.

"I'm really here because the two bullets with Leah's name on them ended up in my back so whats good? Why are you telling me this?"

Gianna was over the bullshit. She needed to hear one voice and that was her best friends.
She grabbed Dante's phone and called Leah.

Their conversation went as follows:
Leah: "Hello?"
Gianna: "Hello my love."
Leah: "Hey, How are you feeling?"
Gianna: "More worried about you than myself right now honestly."
Leah: "Why is that?"
Gianna: "I know you're not letting this go. Especially since Alexis is walking free."
Leah: "I'm good. You're gonna be good to leave tonight?"
Gianna: "Probably so. Come bust me out of here."
Leah: "Buy me some time, I need to be alone with Olivia. I love you."
Gianna: "Okay. I love you too."

The conversation ended and Gianna had been waiting on this moment all damn day.

"Look you guys, I'm sorry for being so rude it's just so much going on! But while we're all here I suggest we talk things out because there is more than just one elephant in the room, its a whole damn circus!" Gianna announced to everyone.

" So, Let me make sure I have my story straight. Alexis, you gave your sisters wife Leah head and Ava you fucked your sisters wife Tania. Tania, you only fucked Ava simply for revenge and also to distract yourself from the fact that your sugar daddy Dante had the nerve to bring another bitch to your house... That bitch being me. And finally, Alexis you wanted Leah to die today because if you couldn't have her no one could. Correct?"

They all nodded in agreement.

"Y'all some messy ass hoes." Gianna stated.

"Dante how could you do this to me? I was willing to leave Alexis for you!" Tania asked.

"Oh no, We were never going to get that serious. Gianna is my first love. I never really got over her. Now that we're back together, I have no intentions on continuing this relationship with you. I didn't know we'd end up in your house, I apologize for disrespecting you like that. You have a wife and child. Focus on them." Dante answered.

"She doesn't have a wife either buddy." Alexis added.

"Baby what are you saying?" Tania asked.

Alexis laughed. "Baby??! I haven't heard you call me that in so long. You've been cheating on me for years and I have done nothing but hold you down. This is done." Alexis took off her ring and placed it in Tania's hand.

"Well fine." Tania said angrily.

"But your dumb ass should have put a bullet in your sisters back for fucking me!" She yelled at Ava.

"That's not how this works. We're sisters, twins at that. Technically we fucked each others wives so we're even." Ava said.

"That is sick." Said Gianna.

Dante's phone vibrated. He got a text from Leah that reads:
"We're on the way. Send Tania and Alexis home but tell Ava to stay. Get Gianna ready."

Dante replied:
"Okay. Sending them out now."

"Well its getting late. Alexis and Tania y'all should probably head out." Dante said.

"So thats it Dante? We're really done?" Tania asked.

"Duh bitch. The fuck?" Gianna added.

Tania stormed out of the room. Alexis hugged everyone goodnight and followed her out.

"Ava you stay." Said Dante.

He locked the door behind Alexis.

"Whats going on?" Ava asked
"A lot." Dante answered.

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