Speak of the devil...

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I woke up locked in a room I was in wolf form. Where am I how did I get here.


"Emma where are you?" I went outside to find her I ran a few blocks following her scent. As I rounded the corner I saw them they had Emma and they were gonna pay. I ran full speed at them but they had already knocked her out. I jumped changing into wolf form in mid air. As soon as I got all four paws on the ground I feel a sharp pain in my head. Then every thing went black.


Those jerks kidnapped us ugh im gonna kill them. I was just about to change form again when Emma started to wake up next to me. She slowly opened her eyes. As soon as they saw me they widend in fear.

Emilys POV

I woke up on a cold hard floor the room has no windows and one light. I felt something warm next to me it was so soft. I turn my head to see what was next to me. It was wolf....no it was a huge wolf it had solid black fur and gold eyes it was beautiful. I screamed it was gonna eat me I got up and ran to the other corner of the room to get away from the beast. It tried to approach me but was held back by the chains on its neck. Just as I let out a sigh out relief the door gets slammed open. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE!!!! the guy who just walked in screamed at the wolf. He had curly hair and green eyes and looked awful familiar. "DID YOU TRY TO HURT HER" he now screamed at the wolf which reacted by growling. "Hello Emma sleep well?" he asked softly "HONESTLY NO I DIDNT AND I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!" I blew up at him. "Good thing we took your knife so you cant stab me again. Wait a minute stab!! He's the one I stabbed. He is the one who was beating up Zayn. "why did u take me here?" I asked "Well come this way and we will answer any questions you have" he said with a grin. I slowly stood up and walked out the door into the living room. the boy let out a chuckle before closing the door behind us and following me to the next room. As soon I walked in to the room three pairs of eyes were on me. I reconized the boys face in the middle right away. it was the boy who was checking me out in school. "WHY DID U KIDNAP ME?!?!" I screamed in his face. "well we kinda had to............so um u couldn't complete your transformation an take the throne" the blonde one blurted. "what are you talking about?" I asked "see I told you she didn't know" said the one with a buzz cut. "EXPLAIN NOW" I shouted "okok well first let us introduce our selves" said the leader. "im Louis" he said pointing to him self. "this is harry but im pretty sure you aready met him" he said as he pointed to curly. "and that's Niall" he pointed to the blonde one. "and that is liam" he said pointing to the buzz cut one. "and we are vampires" said liam dropping the end so I could barley hear him. "did u just say" "yup" he said popping the P. "yeah right prove it" I said with a grin there is no way they are vampires theres no such thing.......right?


ok so I hope u all like it so far im new at this I will be updating again probably tomorrow love ya ;) ~ash

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