Chapter 1: Untamed

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The Seattle wind was roughly blowing against my face, but I welcomed the winter. As it was my favorite season. My maroon doc martins kicked the leaves that laid on the university grounds. It was the beginning of the first semester and I already wanted to rip out my hair. Seattle University has treated me well so far, however the professors were quite the opposite. Ignoring the mountain of homework I had to climb I decided to stroll outside on the campus grounds with my Canon camera hanging around my neck.

My mass media professor, who teaches my fellow students and I about photography as well as film, decided to already assign my class with a project. I respected his knowledge of photography, however I did not respect such an early homework assignment that holds the fate of my grade.

I stopped in my tracks noticing a large sycamore tree that was shedding its leaves due to the mild winds. My camera was raised to my eye and I captured just a small moment in time of the tree shedding its old skin. My fingers messed with the buttons to look back at the picture. Once I was satisfied, I let the camera rest in its prier place that was just below my sad excuse for breasts.

I became tired of walking so I decided to sit down on a bench and take in my surroundings. While closing my eyes I inhaled the cold air filling my lungs fully and then exhaling. A breathing exercise I did quite frequently.

My eyes searched for something different than a sycamore tree or the trash can that was only a few feet in front of me. I realized a starbucks coffee cup in perfect view that was sitting on top of the piling trash in the bin. I smiled to myself and snapped a shot of the almighty starbucks industry product in the trash. After approving the picture I continued to gaze up at the world. A few people passed by every once and awhile. However, someone caught my eye.

He was about 20 feet away but I could tell that he had a tall figure. His hair was wild and untamed, I began to think if his hair mimicked him as a person. My camera was raised once again to take a shot of my muse. Zooming in slightly I got a better view of his face. His face was.....well it was a face, how amazing can a face be? Well his face is pretty fan-fucking-tastic, my subconscious chimed in. The beautiful sound of the camera capturing the moment was probably one of my most favored sounds. I smiled at the picture sitting in my lap. God he was beautiful. His pursed lips and perfectly curled hair. His hair was better than mine. I laughed at the thought. Just a few moments later my thoughts were interrupted.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" A raspy voice sounded

"Yes I did" I said with no shame while looking up from my camera.

"Hm, well it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to me. So uh,why did you take the picture?" He asked hesitantly.

"I appreciate beauty" A smirk was created on my face.

"Ah, so you think I'm beautiful" He laughed.

"I mean physically yes. However, your personality may say something else about you" I teased. I had no problem flirting with guys. Especially guys that looked like him.

"I can promise you I am the full package. The personality is just the cherry on top" He winked.

"Ha! You're good at this" I stood up starting to walk away from him, hoping he would follow.

"Good at what" He caught up to my pace.

I turned to him, "At getting what you want"

"No argument there" He laughed and strided along my side confidently.

"A little cocky aren't we" I joked.

"Little and cock in the same sentence doesn't exactly describe me"

My jaw slightly fell at his comment, "I stand corrected. I meant VERY cocky"

His laughter filled the space we were consuming. "So-" He paused waiting for me to state my name.

"Beatriz, Beatriz Wolfe" I put out my hand to shake his own "I prefer Bea though"

"Beautiful name Ms. Wolfe" He took my hand and placed a soft kiss.

"Of course you would do that" I joked and motioned a gagging gesture.

He laughed aloud once again, "I like you Wolfe"

"How reassuring" I continued to walk.

"Damn you're stubborn" He caught to me once again.

"So I've been told" I held my head high.

"How about I take you out to learn more about my unknown personality, hm?" He smirked as a proposed a proposition.

"I'm in building B, room 401" I said while placing all my weight onto one leg. My skin tight black jeans suited the weather however my crop top and jean jacket didn't do much for the goosebumps forming on my arms.

"You can expect me in the late afternoon" His smirk grew.

I rose an eyebrow, "Deal" my speech paused "so do you have a name?"

"I do" He nodded slightly.

"Can ya tell me?" I laughed shortly.

"Nope" He stated blantly while popping the 'p'. Then he began to walk away like I had done previously.

I stood in my tracks confused as to why he wouldn't tell me. My legs carried me back to his presence.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked in a frustrated tone.

He laughed, "It's part of the mystery"

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms, "A mystery?"

"Yeah, you said that you couldn't tell who I was since you didn't know my personality"

"And...." I wanted him to continue his explanation.

"And my name has nothing to do with my personality" He said obviously proud about the effect he was having towards my frustration.

"Hm, touche" I surrendered.

"I will see you tomorrow Wolfe" He walked away with a confident stride and I did the same in the opposite direction.

Just a short conversation and he had sparked my interest...I was hooked.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any questions or comments just type them below or send me a message. I love to hear what you guys think. Don't forget to vote. Mace xx

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