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Lucas P.O.V.

We're back home.

The ride back wasn't awkward but at the same was.

It wasn't awkward for me.

Maya fell asleep on my shoulder and slept the whole time.

I watched her sleep the entire time, she's so adorable!

I know that might sound creepy, but hey she is my girlfriend.

I'm so happy I can say that now.

You don't know how long I've wanted to say that.

I technically have said before, but it was also to Riley at the same time.

So it's not like it meant anything.

The ride for Riley and Farkle that was awkward.

Riley likes him, you already know that though.

But I can't tell if he likes her.

Apparently him and Smackle broke up.

So I don't know if it had anything to do with his feelings for Riley.

He said it was mutual, but he could be lying.

I'm not sure.

He's the genius, not me.

So now it's Monday.

First day of the school week.

I wonder what Mr.Matthews is going to teach us today.

Probably something having to do with our lives, like always.

I wonder if he knows anything about what happened on the trip.

If so, then I'm dead.

Ugh I can't wait for this week to be over already.

No one's P.O.V.

Lucas is the last to walk in to class before the bell rings.

He takes his seat and Mr.Matthews begins his lesson.

LIES is written on the board.

L-"Oh no. This is about me isn't it?"

C-"What makes you think that Mr.Friar?"

L-"Because it is. all the time sir."

M-(whispers to Lucas) "He couldn't possibly know anything, chill cowboy."

Mr. Matthews continues on with his lesson.

C-"Does anyone know anything about the presidential campaign going on right now?"

Both Farkle and Smackle raise their hand.

C-Smackle, Farkle a duet!"

F-"Now in the running are democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Donald Trump is the only Republican in running."

S-"Trump wants to close the borders for immigrants. A lot of people disagree with him. They all like Hillary."

F-"But she lied to everyone. She had people killed in foreign countries. So she should really be in jail right now for the account of murder."

M-"She never had a chance Matthews! Never had a chance!"

Mr. Matthews is very confused.

C-(to Maya directly)"Shuuut up."


C-"Oh boo to you too."

R-"But she lied. How can she be in the running for office if she killed people?"

C-"She has enough power and the current President won't do anything about it. It's up to him. The jerks!"

L-"So even though she lied, she still gets to run for the leader of our country?"

C-"Yes Mr.Friar. Once you tell a lie too much, it starts to become the truth."

L-"So all of this could've been avoided if she just told the truth in the first place?"

C-"Correct Mr.Friar."

Maya starts to get nervous.

M-"But she was trying to protect her and others."

C-"Yes, but at what cost? If you tell the same lie over and over, it starts to become the truth. People will believe anything they hear. That's why it's always important to tell the truth. Lying only makes things worse."

R-"Well he did it again."

C-(laugh)"Did what again?"

L-"Oh you know, teach us a lesson that has to do with what's going on in our lives."


Z-"They didn't tell you? (to Maya, Lucas, Riley, and Farkle) You didn't tell him?"


C-(starts to freak out)"What?!"

R-"Oh is that the bell I hear?(makes ringing noise with mouth) Yep! Well gotta go, talk to you later dad!(starts to get out of seat)"

C-"No! That was not the bell! We still have more time to talk. So what is that you didn't tell--"

The bell rings signaling the end of class.

R-"Now that's the bell! Bye dad!(starts to leave)"

C-(talking really fast)"For your homework I want you to write about a time when you lied to protect either you and/or someone else."

Maya, Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and Zay all look at Mr.Matthews with the look of fear.


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