Cheese souffle!

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Everyone's P.O.V.
Riley and Farkle are by themselves at Topanga's.
R-"Farkle, how long ago was this??! Why didn't you tell me??!"
F-"Riley, please calm down."
R-"No! I will not calm down! Why didn't you tell me about this??! Why wouldn't you come to me??!"
F-"I wasn't upset."
Riley is silent for a minute.
R-"You still didn't tell me."
F-"The day before we left the ski lodge."
R-"So, four days ago? Wow. Is this why you wouldn't talk to me?"
R-"Oh. It wasn't?"
Maya's house with Maya, Zay, & Lucas
L-"How do you think it's going with Riarkle?"
Maya starts to laugh.
M-"Say what Lone star?"
Lucas is confused.
L-"What? I said Riarkle."
Z-"Just because you say it twice, doesn't mean we understand it buddy. "
L-"It's their ship name."
M-"Huh? What the is that??"
Z & L-"A name for their relationship!"
L-"That was really loud."
Maya finally understands.
M-"Uh ok. What ours Huckleberry?"
As Lucas is about to answer Zay interjects and says "Lucaya."
Maya laughs again.
M-"Come on, you just came up with that."
Z-"Actually Lucas came up with it 2 ye--"
All of a sudden Lucas interrupts.
L-"Days! 2 days ago!"
M-"No no no no no. He was gonna say 2 years.(to Zay) You were gonna say 2 years weren't ya?"
Maya is all smiles now.
L-"Yeah, it was 2 years ago."
Lucas is now embarrassed.
M-"Awe, you've shipped us for 2 years?"
L-"...yeah I actually did."
Z-"How did you know--"
M-"Oh it would've been anything I said."
Z-"Unless you said flamingo."
Maya and Lucas look at each other and burst out laughing.
Next day at school with the whole gang
L-"So how is Riarkle this morning?"
R & F-"What the?"
M-"I'll explain it to you later, if I feel like it."
L-"How did I get so lucky with this one?"
Maya and Lucas smile at each other, they kiss.
Z-"Come on guys, not everyone wants to see Lucaya make out."
Riley and Farkle look at each other.
They still don't understand the ship names.
But they don't say anything cause they don't want to know at the moment.
Maya and Lucas stop kissing.
F-"We sorta sorted everything out."
L-"What do you mean sorta?"
R-"Well we don't really know how we feel about each other yet, so we're gonna figure that out."
M-"But you told me you like him."
F-"She does, but she also has a thing for-"
Charlie Gardner interjects.
Ch-"Heard you were talking about me."
M-"Charlie Gardner!"
R-"How does he do that??!"
L-"He's the creepy creep creep."
M-"Cheese souffle!"
Z-"Y'all are weird. What's up Charlie?"
Everyone just looks at Zay.
Ch-"So you like me?(to Riley)"
R-"How do you do it?!"
Everyone laughs at Riley.
Ch-"I just know when I'm being talked about."
M-"Huh. Huckleberry you were right, he is a creepy creep creep."
L-"Thank you!"
Charlie looks at Maya and Lucas.
Ch-"Oh yeah I heard you two got together. Not surprised by that."
Everyone besides Charlie-"Why?"
Ch-"Because I'm just not."
Everyone besides Charlie-"Why?"
Ch-"Because I could tell you liked each other."
Everyone looks at Lucas.
L-"Where were you guys that time?"
Everyone laughs.
M-"Oh Huckleberry."
Lucas puts his arm around Maya.
Ch-"So Riley, will you go on a date with me?"
Everyone's silent.
Z-"Well are you gonna answer or not?"
Z-"Oh did I say that out loud? I always do that!"
Everyone laughs but Riley, still not knowing what to say.
All of a sudden Farkle interrupts.
F-"Riley before you say no, I think you should go."
F-"We don't know how we feel about each other. So we need to figure it out."
Riley turns to Charlie and says,"Yes Charlie, I will go on a date with you."
Ch-"Great. How about this time we go bowling. And can we talk?"
Riley laughs at his comment.
R-"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."
Riley and Charlie walk away hand in hand planning their date as they walk down the halls.
F-"I think I just made a huge mistake."
L-"I'm still rooting for Riarkle!"
M-"Uh cowboy..."
L-"Was that loud?"
L-(quietly)"I'm still rooting for Riarkle!"
As he says that he does a little fist pump in the air.
M-"I like you, but your a lot of work."
Maya and Lucas walk off down the hall with Lucas's arm still around her shoulder.
Farkle stands there with a confused expression on his face.
He still doesn't know what Lucas meant by Riarkle.
Zay sees Farkle and sees his facial expression.
He understands why he is making that face.
Z-"Let's take a walk and I'll explain it to you buddy."
Zay and Farkle walk off down the hall.
As they walk Zay explains the meaning of Riarkle and even Lucaya.
Farkle finally understands.

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