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Chapter 2

Lauren and Luis were talking a lot.

Camila didn't like it when they talked. It usually meant they would be getting back together soon and when they were on it usually meant her and Lauren were off. Lauren seemed like a mean and nasty person which she actually was but she was pretty honest too and if it was one thing she'd never do, it was cheat. Even though sleeping around with Lauren when her and Luis were off or 'taking a break' still didn't seem right to Camila, Lauren had said it was a loophole and that they were doing nothing wrong. Camila didn't understand what a loophole had to do with anything but she had simply nodded, got down on her knees and ate Lauren out like a starved animal.

She licked her lips, bringing her fingers up to touch them at the memory. She really liked the way Lauren tasted. She allowed a small smile to come to her lips and hummed. She was better than any candy Camila could think of, even better than pizza and bananas. So that was saying a lot because Camila loved bananas.

"Camila? You still with us?"

She blinked a few times to find Normani, Shawn, and Dinah staring back at her. They must have noticed she wasn't paying attention. "I was thinking of pizza and bananas." She chuckled and they all laughed at her because that was such a Camila thing to do. Completely check out of conversations to think of food. So naturally they returned back to their conversation without a second thought.

She looked over Shawn's shoulders. Her eyes falling on Lauren and Luis at the older girl's locker. She was leaning against it, while he leaned into her, one hand resting against the bay of lockers above her shoulder. The sight was what had caused her thoughts to drift in the first place. If only they knew what she was really thinking about.

"If you want Camila I could take you to get pizza after school." Shawn piped up quickly, an eagerness that was all too obvious to Normani and Dinah but not to Camila who squealed in excitement. She moved over to his side, really so she could have her back to Lauren and Luis otherwise she'd never stop looking and wrapped her arms around his.

"Yas! You're the best, Shawn!" she said with a smile. Shawn looked away bashfully, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink at how close the smaller girl was. Dinah and Normani exchanged looks at the interaction. It was plain as day to them that Shawn had a huge crush on Camila. But the Cuban didn't seem to notice a thing.

"Hey Camz" A playful slap to her ass made her jump and her eyes flutter shut for a split second before they focused on Lauren who had come to stand beside her with Luis standing close to her other side. Lauren offered an all knowing smile that had Camila swallowing hard and clenching her legs together. "Losers." Lauren barely glanced to the others as she somewhat acknowledged them before her eyes were back on Camila.

"Hey Lo, Hi Luis" Camila tried to keep the quiver out of her voice and somehow managed to find her normal raspy and light tone. She smiled at herself and mentally patted herself on the back. Sometimes Lauren got like this. Frisky in school. She'd slap Camila's ass, rub her thighs or tug a little too hard on a strand of Camila's hair, all which sent a pool of wet heat between her legs.

Luis immediately dived into conversation with the others and Lauren soon followed his attention, snarling almost as Normani took special interest in everything he had to say. Camila found herself frowning. Luis had his arm around Lauren's lower back as they stood impossibly close. It was a clear sign that they were back on again. It made Camila's stomach turn and she found herself gripping onto Shawn a little tighter.

The group eventually parted to go to their separate classes, Camila held her books tightly to her chest as she moved quickly through the halls. She made her way to her class and tried to do her best to not think about Lauren but it was hard, everything reminded her of the other girl. She didn't want to have to wait for Lauren and Luis to break up again before she could be with her because lets face it they were going to fight again and break it off again.

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