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Chapter 3

"What. The. Hell. Camila?"

Lauren glared at the large hickey on her neck. They both stood in front of the mirrors now, refreshing themselves back up after their rump in the stall. Camila only giggled from next to her as she reapplied her lip gloss. Lauren glanced at her with a glare before looking to the reddish mark that was starting to take on a purple color. "This shit isn't funny!" She yelled, how did she not feel Camila sucking on her neck like a fucking vampire.

"I'm sorry. I guess I got lost in the moment." Camila turned to her with a tilt of her head and a pout on her lips. Lauren scowled as she turned towards her as well. She's known Camila for a long time and though it took her awhile to catch on she could now tell when Camila was lying, especially when they started having sex.

"Please. Looks like an act of possession to me." Lauren said as her eyes narrowed. Camila's eyes narrowed as well and her mouth dropped as if she was offended by Lauren's words.

"Well what's that suppose to mean?"

"It means jealous of Luis much?" She scoffed and watched as Camila looked slightly surprised before looking almost guilty. Lauren hit the nail on the head with that one but just as fast as the guilty look came it was gone and Camila was smiling faintly as she looked down at her shoes. Lauren surely wasn't excepting Camila's next words.

"You're one to talk." She started with a scoff as she brought her eyes up from the floor to look at Lauren once more. "Whose pussy is this?" She whispered, mocking Lauren's words and causing the older girl's eyes to widen. "You're not usually so possessive when we're...having fun. Looked like an 'act of possession' to me but who are you jealous of?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Lauren frowned and felt her hands ball up into fist as Shawn quickly came to her mind. He had been all over Camila this morning, more than usual. But the thing that really pissed her off was that Camila appeared to be returning his advances.

"No one." She growled out through her teeth. Camila didn't look convinced but smiled and nodded her head anyways.

"Okay, Laur. Let's go to class then" She said before she picked up her book bag and moved towards the door. Lauren watched her unlock it before spiking out.

What the fuck was that?

Her day continued on as normal with no more meetings with Camila in the bathroom. She tried to use her hair to hide the monster hickey that Camila had given her but by the look on Normani and Dinah's faces when they saw her let her know it wasn't working so well. She did her best to avoid Luis but when he eventually saw it, he began to distance himself from her again. It pissed her off, first at Camila because what the hell? Secondly at Luis because who was he to judge her?

Her stupid friends made her mood sour so she went storming around the school for the rest of the day and terrorizing anyone that got in her way. She was currently shoving the books she didn't need into her locker while getting ready to leave the school. She slammed her locker shut and glanced over to find Shawn walking Camila down the hall towards the exit. She was giggling at his dumb jokes and smiling up at him as she twirled a lock of her dark brown hair between her fingers.

Lauren's eyes narrowed as she watched them walk pass her. She wasn't jealous. She didn't even care that Shawn and Camila were getting close because at the end of the night it was her that Camila ended up under. She tried to push back the voice in her head that kept whispering 'for now'. She gritted her teeth as she kept it together while watching them walk out of the building together.

Normani and Ally walked pass her next. "Hey!" She shouted and both jumped before turning around to face her. Normani offered a hesitant smile because it wasn't often that Lauren willingly tried to talk to her. When she did, it often had to do with some rude insult or an empty threat of some kind and Normani couldn't think of a reason as to why Lauren would be mad at her.

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