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Chapter 7

Camila sat on Lauren's sofa with a handful of skittles in her mouth as she watched Despicable Me 2. She was surprised that Lauren had actually let her watch the movie. Lauren usually had her limits and she always told Camila she could pick whatever she wanted but then turned down almost every movie Camila suggested. This was the first time that she hadn't.

Lauren sat quietly beside her on the sofa, she kept her eyes mostly on her phone not bothering to even pretend to watch the movie. Camila tried to ignore the way their thighs brushed anytime either one of them moved. Lauren was sitting super close and to an outsider it wouldn't be normal but for them it was. Some part of them was always touching when they were in private. It came naturally and it scared her how natural it really was. Lauren didn't even seem to notice.

Her thoughts though kept racing back to Luis and how strange he had been acting earlier that day. For the last few hours at school she had managed to keep her distance for him. She didn't want him bringing Lauren up to her again. She'd probably end up spilling her guts to him and he'd break up with Lauren and Lauren would never talk to her again. She wouldn't be able to take that. She could take them not talking for a few days, maybe a week but any longer was just far to much for her to take.

"Luis was being weird today." She mumbled once she realized that she had zoned out long enough for her to have no idea what was going on in the movie. Lauren kept her eyes down on her phone as she dropped some skittles in her mouth. Camila bit her lip as she looked over to her.

"Weird how?"

Camila sighed as she shrugged her shoulders and fiddled with her fingers. "I don't know. It was after you found out Shawn and I were dating." She tried to ignore how Lauren cringed slightly. "Normani asked him why you were so upset and he said to ask me...I said you were jealous-"

"I'm not jealous." Lauren finally looked to her and Camila gave her a pointed look. Lauren shook her head with a huff. "I'm not..." she mumbled under her breath as she looked away from her and to the T.V. She didn't sound convincing to either one of them.

"Anyways, I said you were jealous and he said I wonder why that is...I don't know Lauren I just felt like he-he knows that we've-"

"Luis doesn't know shit." Lauren cut her off for the second time as she looked back to her. "He's suspicious at best but he has no proof and he'll forget about it soon enough. I wouldn't worry about it, Camz." She said with a shake of her head. Camila bit her lip but nodded her head as she looked back to her fiddling fingers. Lauren placed her hand over top of them causing Camila to look back at her. "and besides if he ever does find out then I'll handle it. You don't need to worry about him."

"I just feel like we haven't been fair to him." She whispered as she looked over Lauren's face. She had just realized how close the older girl was to her now. They had subconsciously leaned towards each other and now Lauren was only a breath away from her. She couldn't remember how long it's been since she's been this close to Lauren but had missed it. She could smell her shampoo, see the hint of hazel in her green eyes and feel her breath.

"It was all fair. Loopholes remember, Camila?" She asked as she reached up and touched a lock of soft brown hair. Camila fought back the urge to lean into the touch but Lauren clearly saw her struggle and moved her hand to cup her face instead. Camila sighed and allowed her eyes to close as Lauren's thumb stroked her lower lip.

God, she loved her.

"Let me kiss you." Lauren whispered and Camila slowly opened her eyes only to find that Lauren had leaned in a lot closer, her eyes on Camila's lips as she tilted her head slightly. Camila couldn't think straight. All she knew was that she wanted this really, really bad but she couldn't remember why she shouldn't. All she could think was Lauren and how she missed the feel of her soft lips so she gave a small nod of her head and then Lauren's lips were on her own.

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