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Chapter 9

Dinah whistled a small tune as she made her way out of the school. She paused at seeing Camila sitting under the tree near the school parking lot. She frowned and her eyebrows came together in slight confusion at the fact that Camila was still here. She made her way over to her and looked down at her.

She had her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them and her face pressed to her knees. She was making small sniffling sounds and her shoulders shook lightly. She frowned at realizing that she was crying. "Hey chancho. What's going on?" She asked as she sat down next to her, dropping her bag beside her before wrapping her arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to her.

"I can't breathe."

"Why's that?" She asked as she watched her though she made no move to look up at her.


"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow because she wasn't really expecting that one. She knew Lauren was mean but she usually never made Camila cry. "Well what did she do this time?" She asked with a small roll of her eyes because someone was really going to have to put her in her place one of these days.

"She stole my heart." Dinah blinked a few times as she took in her words before she looked up at the sound of someone walking towards them only to watch Normani stop in front of them.

"Hey." She said with a big sigh and Dinah raised an eyebrow at her before looking pass her to watch as Lauren stepped out of the building, even from the distance she could see the dark make-up that ran down her face like she had been crying too. "Let me get you home, Mila." Normani whispered softly as she picked up Camila's bag for her. Camila nodded her head as she raised it only for her eyes to fall on Lauren as she jumped into her car. She bit her lip and Normani and Dinah followed her eyes, watching as Lauren sped out of the parking lot.

"I really wish she'd slow down." Camila hiccupped as she rubbed her red and swollen eyes as she watched the car leave before she rose to her feet. She glanced to Dinah and she offered a small smile that she returned. "Thanks for sitting with me, cheechee. I'll see you later." She said with a wave before walking towards Normani's car. Normani sighed as she watched her go before looking to Dinah.

"Okay, what's really going on?" She asked as she stared up at her.

"It's a long story. I'll call you later." She said with a nod of her head. She returned it before watching her jog to catch up with Camila. She opened the door for her and she watched Camila slip into the car silently as Normani walked to the other side. She stood up as she watched them drive off and picked her bag up. She shook her head as she made her way to her own car.


Normani took Camila back to her own house where she allowed Camila to rest her head on her lap on her couch and cry silent tears. They ate a crap load of junk food and watched romantic comedies. Normani barely watched the movies though she was too busy watching Camila who seemed to be in her own world like usual but this world seemed to be a lot darker. It was like she had lost a piece of herself.

As the night went on she could tell that Camila was turning into a time bomb and she'd blow up if she didn't rekindle at least her friendship with Lauren. Her eyes became darker and her frown deeper the longer she sat in her own thoughts. The overnight change was almost frightening for Normani to watch.

She knew Camila cherished every one of her friendships and especially her friendship with Lauren and losing any friendship would destroy Camila. But losing whatever she had with Lauren was causing something to snap inside of Camila and Normani hated that she felt powerless to stop it.

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