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Chapter 6

"What's going on between you and Camila?"

Lauren paused while putting on her shoes to look over at Luis. It had been a week since she had even talked to Camila. The last time they had spoken was in Lauren's car. She wanted to prove that she didn't need Camila and Camila was spending all of her time with Shawn now. It disgusted her but she kept her mouth shut. She was going to prove she wasn't jealous. She didn't like Camila as more than a friend so who she dated was none of her business and since she was back with Luis, she was getting all the sex she needed.

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on." She mumbled as she finished fixing the lace to her knee high boots. She looked over her shoulder at him watching as he stared up at his ceiling, a thoughtful expression on his face. His chest was still bare and wore scratches from how rough she had been while his neck wore hickeys.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he looked to her. His eyes narrowing slightly before he sat up on his elbows to be more eye level with her. "I mean you guys are barely talking to each other." He said. She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders before she stood up from the bed.

"Well Luis, people grow apart." She slipped on her jacket and glanced at him only to find the same expression on his face.

"I see the way you two look at each other." He mumbled and she raised an eyebrow while shrugging her bag onto her shoulder. "You're fucking her aren't you?" He asked and she felt her heart drop. There was no way she was being that obvious. But then again Luis was a smart guy probably the smartest person she knew. She forced herself to recover quickly because honestly she shouldn't be shocked by this.

"Luis, That's the craziest thing I've ever heard you say. Of course I'm not fucking Camila!" she snapped as she took a step towards his bed. He frowned and shook his head while looking away from her.

"I know you, Lauren." He stated simply while still shaking his head. She clenched her jaw as her hands balled up into sweaty fists. "And the way you look at her...I've seen you look at me like that before but maybe just not as intense. You think no one sees it but its smoldering...It's like your eyes want to devour every part of her. You want-"

"Jesus Luis, stop." She sighed as she turned away from him while running her fingers through her hair. It was too much. His words would bring everything to life. And the last thing she wanted was to make whatever she was feeling for Camila real. He sat up in the bed as he watched her. "There is nothing going on between me and Camila." She gritted through her teeth as she turned back around to face him. They stared at one another for a long moment before Luis simply nodded his head. She released another small sigh before she turned towards the door. "I'll text you later."

"She looks at you the same way, Lauren." He mumbled and she paused for only half a second before she stepped out of the door, slamming it shut behind her.

What did he know anyways?


"Thanks for coming over, Shawn." Camila grinned as she dropped down on her bed, her math book in her lap. He smiled as he took a seat next to her. "Lauren usually helps me with my homework but she's being a real asshole lately." She said with a shrug of her shoulders and Shawn tensed slightly just at the mention of the older girl's name.

"Yeah," He said with a light chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "She seems tense lately...especially with me. I mean before I think we were at least acquaintances but now she treats me like her enemy. I have no idea what I've done to make her hate me so much." He shook his head while looking down at his hands that rested in his lap.

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