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Chapter 8

Camila bit her lip as she stood next to Normani at her locker. Normani was telling her a story about something Ally had done the night before but Camila wasn't listening. She couldn't. Lauren was standing down the hall at her own locker alone with a deep frown on her face. Camila hadn't talked to her all weekend or all morning though they had a few classes together already.

Camila couldn't help but to notice that Luis and Lauren had been apart all day. He never stopped at her locker with her and he never walked her to class. They didn't even walk into the building together like they usually did. Camila didn't want to jump to any conclusions but she was almost positive they had broken up. But maybe they were just fighting. She knew she shouldn't care but she had the real urge to find out and she wouldn't be able to focus on anything else until she did.

"Mani." She cut Normani off abruptly while keeping her eyes on Lauren. Normani stopped talking and looked to Camila before she followed her eyes to Lauren and immediately frowned. "Luis and Lauren haven't been together all morning. Do you think they broke up?" she asked as she began to bite her nail nervously. Normani sighed as she looked back to Camila with a look of disappointment.

"I don't know Mila but I don't care and you shouldn't either remember?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and Camila sighed as she nodded her head. She had spent most of her time over the weekend with Normani who was trying to help her get over Lauren but it really wasn't working. It actually made her think of Lauren more. She didn't see Shawn because he had to spend time with his family but she did text him and talk on the phone with him a lot. She liked Shawn. He did do a good job of making her feel happy but it was nothing to how Lauren made her feel.

"I know Mani but...can you please find out?" She asked as she shifted on her feet slightly. She put on the pout and Normani sighed as her shoulders slumped, moments away from giving in before Shawn bounced up to stand next to Camila. He wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"I missed you all weekend." He said as he ran a hand through Camila's hair. Camila smiled up at him as Normani looked over the two of them.

"I missed you too." She forced out a small laugh as she rested her head on his shoulder. She did miss him but she missed Lauren more. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get over the older girl. It was just too hard. She was too deep in. She allowed her eyes to travel back down the other end of the hall only to watch Lauren's dark hair sway behind her as she made her way down the hall and through the growing crowd of kids. Camila bit her lip as she turned her attention back to Shawn.

The rest of the day continued on with Shawn walking her to her classes and sharing kisses with her in the halls. She tried to allow herself to enjoy it but it was hard. She only had a one track mind and that one track was Lauren. It wasn't long before lunch rolled around. Camila like usual was one of the first to the table. She sat and began to eat her banana PB&J sandwich.

"Hey." She looked up quickly, her body tensing at the sound of Luis' voice. He sat down across from her, his brown eyes on the sandwich she was eating. "Did you check the expiration date on that before opening it Camila?" He asked as he looked to the food on his own tray. She quickly nodded her head when he glanced up at her. He nodded his head before tearing the plastic off his silverware. Camila could only stare at him because it had been a long time since Luis had talked to her and she wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not. "What?" He asked after a couple of minutes of staring in silence.

"Did you break up with Lauren?" She whispered. He paused for a beat before looking up at her. His lips pressed together and she could see the pain reflecting in his eyes. She wondered if hers looked the same. He gave a short nod of his head before looking away from her once more. "Why?"

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