Chapter 28: A Deal

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Star's POV:
I'm so worried. Its been almost a week and we still haven't found Marco. Stan went back to Gravity Falls because his twin got injured or something and left Soos to watch them. Stevonnie warped in with Wendy and Dipper by her sides. "Any luck?" I asked. "None." Dipper said. "I miss him so much right now I feel like this is my fault." I said. "Star, Marco made his choice, he made it to protect you, you would have done the same for him. That's a strong bond, trust me, I know one when I see it." Stevonnie said. "I know, I just miss, him, it feels like...." "Your missing half of yourself." Stevonnie said. "Yeah." I sniffled. "Well find him, I have a lead." Stevonnie said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, Dipper, Wendy, with me. Star, Mabel, stay here." Mabel nodded. The 3 stepped onto the warp pad and were sent off.
(Large time skip)
It's been about 4 hours and they're still not back. I'm worried about them. Suddenly the warp pad activated and Stevonnie, Wendy and Dipper appeared. Dipper was injured and being held in Wendy's arms. And Stevonnie had a bubble in one hand with Onyx's gem and something flung over her shoulder. It was Marco! "Marco!" I said. "Shh, he needs rest." Stevonnie said. "Dipper!" Mabel said running over to him."is he OK?" She asked. "He took a pretty bad hit from Onyx's ax, he took the blow across the chest, we don't know how he's gonna do." Stevonnie said. "Wendy?" Mabel asked. " was watch........him go......down." She said. "Dipper don't worry, I know you'll get through this, because your strong. Strong in the Real Way." Mabel said. "Mabel.......protect........rift" Dipper said. "Shh, bro bro, you need some rest." Wendy them sat him down on the couch. "What about Marco?" I asked. "Give it the Star." Stevonnie said setting him down on Steven's bed.
(Time Skip)
It's been 3 whole days and Marco has barley tossed and turned. Dipper is back but not 100%.I hope Marco's OK. I wish I could fix this. I then suddenly passed out.
"Well,well,well, look what we have here." An anonymous voice said. "Who are you?" I asked. A floating triangle with one eye appeared and said "The names Cipher, Bill Cipher, and I can get you your friend back. I just need a small favor in return." He said. "What do you want?" I asked. "Not much, a gemstone, and it seems you have an abundance of those." Bill said. "OK, you got a deal." I said shaking his hand. Suddenly I woke up and so did Marco. Mabel ran over to us and asked. "Are you two OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Suddenly I heard a beating noise coming from the temple. Then Bill bust through the wall but had a yellow gemstone in his tie. "Hey Star, I see Sun's awake. Thanks for the gem. Now I'm going to destroy you and all of your friends." Stevonnie and Wendy ran in. "What going on?" Stevonnie asked. "Star?" Dipper asked. I finally burst. "OK I admit I made a deal to get Marco back, all he wanted was one gem." I said. "Star, the gemstone is what gives a gem its physical form." Stevonnie said. Oh boy.
To be continued...

Well guys, its been fun, but I'm sad to say that there are only 2 parts left in this book. If you want me to do a sequel then let me know in the comments. Also, I want to do a Gravity Falls story, and I'm between 2 ideas.
1: Genderswap.
2: Alternative Weirdmagedon III.
Tell me in the comments. See yah.

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