Chapter 2- Through The Abyss

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The lights started to flicker. Hmm? Is there something wrong with the lights? I was about to go back to mom and dad when I saw the all the visitors are not here anymore.
Where is everybody? 
I got to the entrance. The lights flickered again then went out. "T-The lights?!"
I'm getting kinda scared. What happened all of the sudden? Where are mom and dad? The exit door is locked. I'm locked in the art gallery. The gallery wasn't supposed to close when it's so--
I looked through the window. The sky is dark. Is it me or did time just skip? That can't be true.

Suddenly, red paint started leaking from the top of the window. "Wah!" that sure startled me. I went back upstairs to look for someone. Through a window, I saw a shadow of a person pass by. "Eeek!" this place is starting to give me the creeps. 
What was that?! I looked at the window again and saw a hand print. Someone was banging on the window. 
I went back to the hallway where I saw the painting before the lights went out. 
Blue paint was leaking from the bottom of the frame. I suddenly heard a stomping sound 6 times. What was that now?! Letters. The sound formed letters. Let's see. . .
C. . . . . .O. . . . M . . . .E. Weird. It says "come" oh there are two more letters. I and B. Put those together and they say, "come Ib" that's my name. Is someone trying to lure me somewhere? 

I noticed the blue leaking paint. It formed a message. It says, "come down ib, i'll show you someplace secret"
Someone wants to show a secret place to me. This getting out of hand.
Argh, I'll just follow it. 
Down? The place down below this part is the giant fish painting.
I went there. A rope securing the sculpture is missing. There are two blue footprints leading to the sculpture. Is it telling me to go there? But it's just a painting--No, I guess not. 
I sat down then dipped my feet into it. "Ah! Is this, water?" it IS water. But that can't be. This is just a painting by Guertena. 

The fish in the painting swam through its area then went to the bottom. It's telling me to go down there. Should I stay or should I go?
Nothing will be solved if I stay here any longer. This place could be connected to why this is happening. 
At first, the painting, "Bitter Fruit" had its fruit fallen of then splattered on the ground, and the painting, "The Coughing Man", the man in the painting coughed once, and the painting, "Your Dark Figure" I heard a cat's meow cause the dark figure is a black cat. It's like the paintings are coming to life.

I'm not gonna idle here anymore. I gotta find out where everyone went and how to change things to normal.

I leaped into the sculpture. SPLASH! the sound of the water as I jumped in. The fish is back. It's going around circles 'round me then slowly going down. It's guiding me to the bottom. The strangest thing is, I can breathe under water and I can blink my eyes normally here. 
It's getting darker. I'm reaching the bottom. I closed my eyes for a while. . .

The water's gone. I opened my eyes quickly, "Woah!" I fell down. It's a good thing I landed on my feet. I got to a staircase going down. Where was the water? I looked up and saw. . .the water?! Why isn't it falling down?! It's floating!
Anyway, it looks like I can't turn back now. I went downstairs and ended up in a two way. Left or right? I choose. . . . .right.
I saw letters in blue on the wall it says, "come" about 3 times. At the end of the path, I saw a red rose sitting on a vase on a table in front of a door. What a pretty rose, this resembles the one I saw at the art gallery. I'll keep it. It's a real rose though. I moved the table and entered the room.

I saw a painting of a smiling girl. Whoa. The ends of her hair is out of the painting. 
I saw a blue key on the ground. A key. . . .this could open up a new place. I took it and kept it in my pocket. The girl's smile in the painting changed. She's now smiling menacingly scary.
"Ah!" after I'd yell, I quickly went out of the room.
To my right, I saw a paper with a message posted on the wall. It says,
"You and the rose are ???
Know the weight of your own life."
It's telling me now that this red rose is important to me. I'd better be careful with it.
"Ouch!" I yelled. I looked at my right arm and saw quite a long cut but no blood. "Where did this come from?" Could this be a warning by that message just now? I looked at my red rose and noticed that a petal came off. What?! This means I'll die if this rose dies?!
So that's why the message said, "Know the weight of your own life." this rose is my life. But what do I do with this cut?

I noticed the vase at the side. The vase still has water. I put the rose in the vase. The red rose got its lost petals back. The cut on my arm is cured. I gotta be extra careful this time. The vase is out of water. I see how it works now.
I turned around to go back. Then I saw the letters on the wall changed, this time it's red and different letters. It says, "Thief" me a thief? There's no way.
Oh, the staircase is gone. There's really no turning back now. 

Went left and saw a painting on a wall. "The ??? Fish" don't know that word. But it's a painting of a fish. There's a blue door beside the painting. It's obvious now that this key is for this door. 
I used the blue key on the blue door lock. The door opened.

First thing I saw was a giant cat wall in front with a fish-shaped hole as its mouth. Also another two-way.
I went left.
I saw eight brown columns with red curtains on them, well except this one right here.
It doesn't have curtains. Just a stick drawing of a person. Writing appeared below it on yellow paint.
It says, "Play hide and seek?" oh! The stick drawing disappeared. 
So, I'm supposed to find it behind these curtains. Oh? Below the curtains are yellow buttons.
If I press one, it should open the curtains. 
I pressed the button of a column beside the column where I saw the stick-man. . . .

I don't think I was supposed to see that. That was the scariest thing I've ever seen.
I saw a very sinister painting of me being tortured with some blue swords...I quickly pressed the yellow button again, the curtains closed. I never want to see that again.
I pressed the button of the corner column. The curtains opened and I saw a painting of a jalapeno.
Ouch, ouch, ouch. That was so sudden. That scared me. Oh great. My rose lost two of it's petals. This hurts so bad, It felt like my skin got burnt. I get why it's a jalapeno. Now I have a terrible wound on the front side of my body. It really is burnt. It's a slash though. No blood's coming out. Good.
I pressed the yellow button. The curtains closed. 
This is gonna be harder than I thought. How am I supposed to find that stick-man?
I'm about to press another yellow button. Should I? But I've got to find it.
I closed my eyes then pressed the button.
Hmm? Why isn't anything happening?
I slowly opened my eyes. . . . .YES!! I found him! I found the stick-man! 
Writing in yellow paint appeared. It says, "found me, you get the prize."
What prize? Where is it? I noticed in the far side of the room, another painting. I went to it.
A fish head has fallen of it. Well, it's a wooden fish head. In the painting, there's a knife and a fish's tail behind it. It really has fallen of the painting, "A Chef's Talent".

Ok. Now that I've found a head for the mouth of the cat, I need to find the tail of this.
The tail in the painting is just a painting. I need to find the real wooden tail of this.
I went to the right side.
I saw a bunch of headless statues and stone heads. The statues aren't black like back in the real gallery though. I went past the stone heads. Woah. This head is different... It has a smile on it and its eyes are red....! Woah! Gotta keep away from it.
"Eeeek!" it's shaking! It's moving now!
I took steps back but I fell down. "Ouch!" my foot got caught on a crack on the ground.
It's coming! I hurriedly stood up and took a step back. "Now, trip!" I shouted. And it did. It's forehead is smashed.
Found it! I found the tail. It's been inside the stone head. Well, it's smashed to pieces and looks like it's not gonna move again.
I look to my right and saw a vase. My rose could use some water. The wounds I got from the jalapeno's getting worse.
I placed my rose in the vase. . . .My rose is all healthy now. The wound on my body is gone. Seems that this rose and I are connected for some reason.
I combine the wooden fish tail and head.....I got the wooden fish key.

I went back to the giant cat wall and inserted the fish key in its mouth.
The eyes changed. It turned to red and it made cat sounds. Meow, meow, meow...
A pathway through it was formed. All right! Gotta get going.

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