Chapter 4- To Escape

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What's this room? Are these. . .? Black hands? Well, bigger than what I saw before and it's just the hands. There are two of them. The "Grieving Bride's Left Hand" and the "Grieving Bride's Right Hand". There's a painting of a "Grieving Bride" and her "Grieving Groom". The hands are moving. Ok. I'll check this out later. We headed straight. To the east, there's a painting of a cake and a cup of coffee.
"Let's check out that room over there." said Garry.
We headed north then east. Went into the room there. 

It's full of stools. And canvases of eye drops. "Garry look there!"
"What is it, Ib?"
"There's a bottle of eye drops there."
"Oh, you're right."
We gotta move these stools to get to the eye drops across the room. Those might be useful. We'll just take anything that seems useful along the way.
Took a while but we got the eye drops. Went outside. Looked around for a while until we saw a hallway of eyes on the floor. "Why are there EYES on the floor?!" exclaimed Garry.
"It'd be best not to step on them."
"Yes, let's be careful."
We went across the hallway and--Oh? This eye's red. "D-Does this lone eye have a congestion problem?" asked Garry.
"I think so. Let me try the eye drops."
"Go ahead."

I got the small bottle of eye drops then poured two drops on the eye. It closed then opened.
"The congestion is cured!" I exclaimed.
"Where is it going now?"
"Let's follow it."
The eye that I gave the eye drops to is staring intently at the wall on the corner. It closed.
"Hmm? What's with this wall?" I asked.
"It has a slightly different color. . ." said Garry as he touched the wall with the different color shade. It fell apart. Found a secret passage.
"Woah. Let's see what we can find in here." said Garry.
We went inside the secret passage. It's quite small. Saw a red glass ball. "What is this doing here?" said Garry. Took the ball then headed outside.
"What's that ball for?" I asked.
"Maybe for that painting over there."
He pointed at a painting of a white snake with a hole in its eye. The red glass ball fits perfectly. The painting beside it fell.
There's some writing on the back of it. It says, "Behind the big tree. . ."
What tree?
"Let's go to that room, Ib."

We headed for the south-west room. Just beside the hallway of eyes. We got in the room.
There's a name on a paper posted on the wall in front of us, "Labyrinth".
This place. . . .is a maze. After a few turns around this maze, we saw a lettering on the wall, "Do you like mazes?"
"Nope, not a chance." I said.
"Haha. Me too, Ib. Let's get going." said Garry.
Woah! There's a headless statue here. It's wearing a red dress. "Run, Ib!" yelled Garry.
We ran around the maze and saw another headless statue. "T-The other way!" yelled Garry.
Is it me? Or am I not panicking just like Garry? "Look, Garry! There's a canvas with writings on it!"
"I'll distract these statues. Go ahead and read what is says!"
"But. . .!"
"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"
That surely was brave of him to do so. Ok, I gotta read what this says, "Check directly south from the red paint."
Come to think of it, I saw puddles of red paint when we were running just now. It tells me to "check directly south" from it. I'll do this while Garry distracts those statues. 
Found the red paint. Directly south. . . .There's nothing on this wall. 
I quickly hid behind the wall beside me. That was close. I saw a statue pass by. It's roaming around the area where there's another puddle of red paint. Where's Garry? I'll find him later as soon as I find something. 
Oh, there's a puddle from across my direction. I'll check that one. South. . . .Ah! A button! 
Pressed it, there was a sound of something heavy moving. Ok, I'll go and find Garry now.

Took me about an hour to go around this maze to find Garry while avoiding those statues. My rose lost two petals. I hope I get to find a vase soon. I went outside the maze room. I can't find him. Where could he have gone? 
Oh! I see him sitting on a corner. I went to him. "Garry? Are you okay?" I asked. He looks tired and injured. His blue rose. . . . . . .it lost almost all its petals. . . .! "Sorry about leaving you there. . . ." he said.
"No it's fine, Garry. Stay there for a while and rest." he must've gotten hurt by being bait to those statues. I never should've agreed to let him do it.

There's a door beside the painting of a cake and coffee. This wasn't here before. It's not locked though. This must the one that moved when I hit the button south of that red paint. I went inside.
There are sculptures here. The lights are flickering here too. Ugh, I hope it doesn't go out.
What's this sculpture? "Wine Sofa". I touched the glass to see if it's real. "Oww!" my finger got cut. It's only small, good. A petal from my rose is withering a bit. This wine sofa is real. It's a giant wine glass cut diagonally with a red cushion inside. It doesn't look very comfortable. You might get cut if you lay your arm to rest on the glass. Anyway, moving on. . . .
Saw a skeleton sculpture with different colors. Sure hope this isn't. . . . .real.
I saw at the end of the room, a sculpture of a tree resembling a person. Oh! "Behind the big tree. . ."
This must be the tree it was talking about. I looked behind and saw something shimmering. . . .
It's a silver wedding ring! It looks so expensive, what is it doing here?

I went outside. I saw Garry to my left, holding his rose. He shouldn't trouble himself to move here.
"Garry, how are you feeling?"
"Not so good, Ib. . . .I need a vase for my rose. . . ."
"I'll be right back."
I went back to the paintings of the "Grieving Bride" and "Grieving Groom". The bride must've lost her ring. I put the ring through her left ring finger. The bride and groom of the paintings smiled! She threw her bouquet then I dropped in front of me. I caught it. Why am I feeling a bit uneasy about catching this?
I'd better take it with me. I went back to Garry. He giggled when he saw me holding a rose bouquet.
"What's that for. . . .?"
"Ah, I just got this just now."
"The grieving husband and wife. . . .?"
"Not anymore. They are now, 'blessed' their names said so."
"Ahh. . .Wanna help me up. . . .?"

I lend him a shoulder. Not literally. We carefully walked. Garry pointed to the right. We followed the way.
We saw an odd and creepy looking painting. Its mouth is jagged and its eyes are wriggling. It talks. . .
"Hehehe. . . .I like flowers. . .Give me that flower there. . . .heheh. . .And I'll let you pass. . ."
"Flowers?" I said. This painting might like this rose bouquet. I handed over the rose bouquet. . .
"This smells nice. . .hehe. . . . . CHOW TIME!!"
It suddenly ate the roses so quickly. After it finished eating it, a door appeared.
"I'll let you through now. . . . .hehe. . . ."

I turned the doorknob and entered. First thing I saw is a vase. Good! Now Garry can feel all better! I put his rose on the vase. . . .The rose recovered!
"Ah, I feel better and refreshed now. Thank you, Ib."
"Sure!" said with a smile.

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