Chapter 3- Guertena's Works Are Alive

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Went through the pathway. I got to a different place. This time, this place has ways going up front and a way to the right and the walls and floor is green
There's a column to the way up front. It says, "Beware of the Edges". Ok I'll move slowly...
"Kyaaa!" a black arm is sticking out of the wall! It's waving around. I stay away from it.
I looked up ahead. Looks like another way to the right. What if...

I ran as fast as I can ahead, then turned right."*pant* I am never gonna do that again." I almost got caught by a hand on my way here. Anyway, about five black arms appeared on the way here. I notice a green door. It's locked. Well, I'm not gonna see a key around here. Ugh, I'm gonna have to go to the right side.
Ah, a painting. Of an ant. Hmm? It can be taken of the wall. I got it with me.
I ran again past those black arms in a hurry. Then I went to the right side.
There are paintings of bugs like ladybugs, bees, and a spider. I went to a room across. Woah, the floor's separated from the other side. It's all pitch black down below. How do I cross this? The other side is too far apart. Hmm. . . . . .Ah! The ant painting! It's just enough to cover this hole. I lay down the painting. Sure hope this is strong enough for me to step on.
I crossed. Made it to the other side-- "Eeek!" what? The ant in the painting is real?! It got crushed by my foot. Eww too. Its blood got stuck on my shoe. Well never mind. At least I got across. Went to the other side.

Oh! There's a green key on the ground in front of a headless statue. Somehow I have a bad feeling about it. Ok. I'll just run quickly when I get the key.
Got it! "Ahh!!" it's suddenly chasing me! Hurriedly ran to the way I used to get here.
"Yikes!" the painting's torn! How'll I pass?
It's here! Took a few steps back then - jump!!
"Woah. That was close. I almost lost my balance." made it back. That statue will fall if it crosses that painting. Good thing it doesn't know how to jump.

Past the dark arms, I went back to the green door. Used the green key.

Woah, this room is red. This room has two sculptures and four paintings. Oh? This painting is just black and there a green line drawn horizontally across it. The name of the painting is, "Heartbeat".
What was that? Did-- Oh!! I get it! The green line measures heartbeat just like in hospitals! It also moved just now. Cool! Ok. Enough sightseeing--wait. This painting, I remember. This painting is, "The Lady in Red". She's quite creepy when you look at it closer. Oh well, best be going now. BREAK! THUD!
What was--AHHHHH!!! Run, run, run! Oh why does this door have to be locked?!
Half of the lady's body is out of her painting and she's crawling to get me!
That's why I heard glass break just now! Is that. . .? It is! A red key! Gotta get it to open the door across!
I also have to go around this lady in red. Run around the sculpture then. . . .Yeah! I got it!
Then I should go around again then. . . .open this door. . . .
Phew. . .! I'm safe!

A small room with a door across. And bookshelves around. I could get some info when I browse some books. Oh! Found a good one! This book contains the other works of Guertena. I found something about this rose too. It says,
"Once you touch this rose, you will be??? to the rose.
This rose is your? ?? life. Know the weight of it."
This half said the same thing like in the paper posted on a wall before. This rose must be really important. It's showing another rose other than mine. A blue one. Is there someone else who got here? I wanna find that person soon.
I closed the book then looked at the other bookshelves. What's this book? It's drawn and written in crayon. . . . "Carrie Careless and the Galette de Rois"?
Oh, I read this story in a library when I was seven. After I read the book, I ran back to mom and dad because I didn't like the story at all. It doesn't have a happy ending rather the character there is stupid to kill her friend. I don't wanna be reminded of it anymore so I put it back. What's this? It doesn't fit in the shelf. What's blocking it behind. . . . .I pushed it back to fit. There was a sound. . .
Better get going. Don't wanna hang around here for long.

Another two-way. I see a painting of a light blue vase in front of me and the real vase on the side. The painting is, "Eternal Blessing". Let's see, the vase has clear water. Clearer than what I've seen before. I put my rose in it.
Woah! This vase is so effective! I feel so much better now! Well, I can't take the vase cause it's affixed to the table it's on. I went east.
I saw a man lying on the ground. It. . . . .It's him! The boy with the purple hair I saw in the gallery! Why is he here? More importantly, I gotta help him. He has terrible wounds on him.
He's holding tightly onto a key. It's quite small though. It must be important. What if he's the owner of the blue rose I saw in the book a while ago? This key must lead to the room where his rose is. Gotta find it!
Went back then headed the west side.
Saw a vase. I'll not use it. After all, there's the "Eternal Blessing" vase. Oh a door. I used the small key I got from that boy.
There are. . .blue petals on the ground. What's--Ah! Woah, man that was close.
"Lady In Blue", I guess. It's plucking those blue rose petals one by one. "These roses must be important!"
I have to get that rose back and put it on the "Eternal Blessing" vase.

"Hah. . .that was tiring and scary." I got the rose back. I locked the door and blocked the window of the room with a tall wooden column. It wasn't that heavy. I did that so the lady in blue won't chase after me.
Went back then placed the blue rose in the vase. It's healed! That boy should be fine now. I should return this to him.
". . . .Ugh. . . .The pain's gone. . ." he said. I handed over his rose. "This is yours, right?" I asked. Just to be a hundred percent sure. "Ah, yes."
He finally stood up and we talked about this place. I explained my situation to him.
"I see you're also from the gallery. Your situation is much like mine." so we're both lost here. I'm glad that I'm not the only one here. I didn't want to be alone in this horrible place for long. "By the way, my name is Garry."
"I'm Ib."
"Well now, how surprising."
"What is?"
"We saw each other in the gallery, right Ib?"
"Oh yeah."
"I can't leave a little girl to wander around this place, so let's stick together and find a way out!"
All of the sudden a painting face with a wriggling tongue spitted out something. "HYEEEK!"
"Hahahahaha!" that was funny! It's also funny how I didn't get startled by that. Haha!
"I-I was just a bit s-startled. That's all it was. Anywayy, let's watch out for bizarre things such as that."
"Ok, Garry."
We saw another red door. But a headless statue is blocking the way.
"What a lousy place for this thing. Step back a tad would you, Ib?"
"Oh, ok."
I stepped back as he moved the statue out of the way. "Ta-dah! Now we can proceed."
Headed to the room behind the door.

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