Chapter 18: The Story Of the king of hell

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Once upon a time I was a man with a kind heart and pure soul, love people and they love me, I help and everyone help me but what would I say sometimes your mistake that you have done nothing my dear, I was a counter in a bank as you know my child and at once a man entered my office and set down.

He said: listen big guy I need your help in my bank account!

I said: but sir I'm not an official banker I'm only a counter!

He said: yeah I don't have an account!

I said: So?

He said passing 100 dollars on my Office: so I'm sure you well take care of that!

I got very angry and through the money and I was about to shout

He said in a cold way: calm big guy! Calm you need money I know it your wife looked very sick and need your help doesn't she?

I listened to his words that covered my silence, and then he completed:

Look all I need is to know where is the keys of all the lockers of the bank and that is all, and our boss will give you one million dollars! Deal!

I said: no, not in a million years!


I didn't care of his words and I got home to find my wife was really sick and then I discovered that our servant was the reason that my wife was sick as she put some medicine in her coffee it cause the virus and she got sick and when I refuse the deal she put some medicine in her string and she didn't know about and neither did I!

Till one day she passed away and left me alone, in fact he left me with a child a ten years old child called "JOHNNY"

YES sally he is your brother from my first wife, I was a poor man and I worked as a dish washer and a waiter at the same time although I was graduated , one night I saw her in the hall of the hotel I worked in ,she was very beautiful and she was a guest in the hotel , she looked at me and I stare at her beautiful eyes and face , a day passed and she was going with her father outside the lobby to order a car to have a tour but for the bad luck of her and good of mine a crazy driver came with his car very fast and was about to crush her , so run as fast as I could to push her and her father but I wasn't able to rescue him but I rescue her and before he died he said : listen my man , you deserve my only diamond Sarah and I see this prove right now you was about to die for her and I think no one will ever take care of her as you , my only well is to take care of her, till we all met in heaven !

Then her father passed away and left us a fortune and we leaved happily till she begin to be ill and it begin to got worth everyday till what I told you had happen !

She died and I become a rich man but I need to take care of Johnny, I take care of him and I make sure of it till he become 20 years and no longer need me as a father he become a good man I made a company and worked in it very hard to make a money for Johnny my only child and I did , till I made an announce that I need a secretary , entered a beautiful slim woman with a beautiful face a pretty smile and I looked at her like a man trying to stare at the sun in a hot day , she said : hello I'm Carla , 22 years old nice to met you sir , I really would like to work here and I would be very happy if you accept me sir !

I said: can you organize my table and time?

Would you answer me if I called you after 3 am?

Would you not get upset if I got angry on you?

She said: what?

I said: if you don't say it! Yes or no I want a quick answer!

She said nervous: yes

Would you cook for me if I forgot my break fast?

She said: yes sir!

I said smiling: would you marry me?

She answered without thinking: yes!

Then she said: wait what!

I said: calm, kidding but I want you to be my date!

Her face got red and she looked like she can't breathe from the power of the surprise and she said: yes

After a month I fall in love with her and we got married a year ago you was given birth and I forgot about Johnny till my company wasn't going really well and I closed it and I decided to work in the bank then what I told you had happen , then one night we were all sleeping ,police men came to my home and said I was arrested and I was guilty for the bank robbery and my friend was the evidence , you were about 4 years old when this all happened and I was arrested for a thing that I didn't done in my life , then I discovered that my friend but my finger prints on my keys then when the manger of the bank needed a man to hold the keys my friend told him to choose me , then when I refuse the deal my friend planed this all as he was a member of the gang, and this was the revenge , I was in prison for 15 years , then I got out I sent lots of messages to your mother to take care of you and to tell you that I was travelling outside the country, for your feeling and when I got back to home I was very angry and I swear that someday I will take my fair and I will revenge don't know how !

I was very sick, and died sad in bed.

I left a paper written in it the address of your brother but I were died before I told you about it but I left it in the well I don't know how didn't you know about it ?

I come and hugged him and it look like my father begin to back to normal then I asked him where this paper was? Why did it gone!

Said a voice: you mean this?

Wait for more in chapter 19 Enough Jessie please!!

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