Chapter 8 : from a sweet dream to nightmare scream!

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Chapter eight : from a sweet dream to nightmare scream!

I wake up in a white room with a oxygen mask on my face not feeling anything and the nurse enter with a file with her asking about my health

I said I 'm good but feeling some headache

The nurse said : oh that's normal you was sleeping for a week and you was

I stopped her form speaking more said :what week ! but but what is that? I don't have any illness feel I was just tired and fainted !

Nurse well I don't know the doctor said you saw something that was too much shocking to you or something un believable he said wait the doctor is coming he will explain to you more

The doctor entered and I was trying to be stronger or not to fall down cause the doctor was Jessie !!!!

The nurse turn to be shorter and shorter till her tall was about 40 cm ! her teeth were changing her eye was completely red and her face was ugly Jessie was standing calm saying nothing the room was full of smoke till it was completely hidden no one was shown the ghosts were only moving staring at me in the darkness and my body was at its place somehow I feel myself moving like my soul was out of my body and somehow I feel my soul back inside of me I wish I could close my eye so I don't see more but I can't I was so alone and afraid I thought about Jake for a while like I'm call out for him to rescue me but that was hard and as long as I was thinking the loud voices of the scream of the voice of death was around me Jessie came as an ugly devil again the blue eyes of Jack make me forget the red eyes of Jessie the he came and covered my eyes with his ugly hands !

Then I felt nothing till I wake up again with the same room description and the same nurse entering but this time I shout at her and said : get out get out I don't want any treatment I want to die !

The nurse answered : don't ! now is not the time to die now is the time to cry she said it looking at me looking at my eye and I wish I didn't look back cause her eye were turned to red and at once she turned to Jessie !

Jessie : you left me and you like someone else mmm I wish you are happy together now cause then happiness will never know it's way towards both of you , you are cute but stupid stay with me sally or else

I said : or else what ! leave me alone give me a break I didn't hurt you I swear I never hurt anyone !

Jessie : you will hurt yourself then if you didn't agree to work with me

I said no

Jessie with a big self-confidence smile: you will I'm sure you will

Then the last thing I saw was his hand when he move it and then everything I saw was black

I opened my eye to find myself in an old hotel but it was ...


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